My second strange experience was some sort of dark shadow thing that was in the middle of the road. I stopped my car to a screeching halt and could have wrecked because of it.
I was driving from my girlfriends house one night. I would say it was around 11pm that night and I was 17 years old. I always took back roads back and forth to my house and her house. It was in Loudon, TN and it was an overcast that night and no stars or moon shining. So it was dark out in the country. I was traveling on the road I know by heart and going about 40 mph when I suddenly seen something move into the middle of the road and stop right on the yellow lines. I slammed on my brakes because I thought it was going to run out in front of me and it looked large enough to almost be a child. My tires actually left skid marks on the road. There was a slight smoke that rose in the headlight from what I knew was the tires burning rubber. This... thing... just stood there. And I mean it STOOD there. It was walking upright. I could make out two legs and two arms. It was hunched over like it had been startled. It really looked like the figure of some 5 year old child but still very different. The biggest concern that I had was that this thing was PITCH BLACK. My headlights were shining straight at the thing and it was not reflecting any sort of light at all.
The smoke of the tire settled and this thing turned its torso and looked at me. I assume it was looking at me but really it could have turned and looked opposite of me and had been looking at me the entire time. The torso movement was clearly it looking in a different direction. I couldn't tell what direction becase there was no light reflecting off of it. It was like a black shadow figure. I remember staring at it and said something like "Oh %#@%... " then at that moment it glided off the road down into the field and into the woods. It moved very fast for such a small figure. And when I mean glide... it leterally looked as if it was gliding. The head didn't seem to bop up and down or it's body didn't seem to move as if it was running. It's body composure stayed the same as it glided across the street and across the field. The thing must have been 20 feet away from my car when it stopped in the road. It then moved across a field that must have been 75 yards in about 5 seconds. It vanished in the darkness of the woods. My headlights had lit up the field enough so that I could see it go across the field.
At this time I had goose bumbs on my arms and flipped out. I took off and got home as fast as I could. I told my Mom and Brother about it that night and of Mom thought I was just sounding silly. My Brother was more into what I was saying but I know he had a sense of doubt to him.
The next day after school I went on the same road and I pulled over where it had happened. I looked on the road for any sort of evidence and found nothing. I did find the skid marks I left. I then decided to walk the path it took into the field but there was one little interesting problem that I did not see that night. There was a barbed wire fence along the edge of the road were the field was. This thing... whatever it was... went through this fences like it was not even there. That is when I really freaked out because the entire day I kept saying it had to be some sort of strange animal. But how could the animal go through a fence and never lose it's pace across the field?
A futher description of the thing was it's head. It's head was more like a point. It didn't have a round head but was more pointy. Its arms were out to its side when it stopped... not right next to its side... but out... like in a fashion it had been startled. One leg was slightly out in front and the other was slightly in back like it was in the middle of a stride running but more standing. I almost looked like it had joints in the right places. Arms slightly bent... knees slightly bent... but it almost looked like... its weird but... that it looked like it had some sort of clothing on it's back. It stuck out like a cape would stick out. It was simply weird.
Oh and I never drank a drop of alcohol or did any sort of drugs when I was in highschool. Everybody else seemed to enjoy the life of drinking when I was more athletic and into girls to take up my time.
So that is that story. It's very weird but I like to tell it.
I was driving from my girlfriends house one night. I would say it was around 11pm that night and I was 17 years old. I always took back roads back and forth to my house and her house. It was in Loudon, TN and it was an overcast that night and no stars or moon shining. So it was dark out in the country. I was traveling on the road I know by heart and going about 40 mph when I suddenly seen something move into the middle of the road and stop right on the yellow lines. I slammed on my brakes because I thought it was going to run out in front of me and it looked large enough to almost be a child. My tires actually left skid marks on the road. There was a slight smoke that rose in the headlight from what I knew was the tires burning rubber. This... thing... just stood there. And I mean it STOOD there. It was walking upright. I could make out two legs and two arms. It was hunched over like it had been startled. It really looked like the figure of some 5 year old child but still very different. The biggest concern that I had was that this thing was PITCH BLACK. My headlights were shining straight at the thing and it was not reflecting any sort of light at all.
The smoke of the tire settled and this thing turned its torso and looked at me. I assume it was looking at me but really it could have turned and looked opposite of me and had been looking at me the entire time. The torso movement was clearly it looking in a different direction. I couldn't tell what direction becase there was no light reflecting off of it. It was like a black shadow figure. I remember staring at it and said something like "Oh %#@%... " then at that moment it glided off the road down into the field and into the woods. It moved very fast for such a small figure. And when I mean glide... it leterally looked as if it was gliding. The head didn't seem to bop up and down or it's body didn't seem to move as if it was running. It's body composure stayed the same as it glided across the street and across the field. The thing must have been 20 feet away from my car when it stopped in the road. It then moved across a field that must have been 75 yards in about 5 seconds. It vanished in the darkness of the woods. My headlights had lit up the field enough so that I could see it go across the field.
At this time I had goose bumbs on my arms and flipped out. I took off and got home as fast as I could. I told my Mom and Brother about it that night and of Mom thought I was just sounding silly. My Brother was more into what I was saying but I know he had a sense of doubt to him.
The next day after school I went on the same road and I pulled over where it had happened. I looked on the road for any sort of evidence and found nothing. I did find the skid marks I left. I then decided to walk the path it took into the field but there was one little interesting problem that I did not see that night. There was a barbed wire fence along the edge of the road were the field was. This thing... whatever it was... went through this fences like it was not even there. That is when I really freaked out because the entire day I kept saying it had to be some sort of strange animal. But how could the animal go through a fence and never lose it's pace across the field?
A futher description of the thing was it's head. It's head was more like a point. It didn't have a round head but was more pointy. Its arms were out to its side when it stopped... not right next to its side... but out... like in a fashion it had been startled. One leg was slightly out in front and the other was slightly in back like it was in the middle of a stride running but more standing. I almost looked like it had joints in the right places. Arms slightly bent... knees slightly bent... but it almost looked like... its weird but... that it looked like it had some sort of clothing on it's back. It stuck out like a cape would stick out. It was simply weird.
Oh and I never drank a drop of alcohol or did any sort of drugs when I was in highschool. Everybody else seemed to enjoy the life of drinking when I was more athletic and into girls to take up my time.

So that is that story. It's very weird but I like to tell it.