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David Biedny's Experiences?

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Paranormal Novice
Hi everybody.
I love the Paracast - it is great to be able to listen to a balanced, and very intelligent UFO show, with knowledgeable hosts.

I am new to the Paracast, and I have been listening to the archived shows, and I feel like I must ask the following question:

David Biedny, in the show with Don Ecker (August 2009), mentions his other experiences, which were 'paranormal' (my description) - Has David expanded on these in other shows? I would very much like to hear of these - they sound fascinating.

I would understand if David did not wish to speak about personal experiences, as they are exactly that, 'personal'; but I do think they would be interesting to hear.

All the best to everyone for 2010.
Well basically all his experiences except a few of the ultra wierd ones are in previous shows. Go through the show archive starting from the beggining and fish them out. Most of them were in the first year of the show i believe. Also check out Jeff Ritzmans ones... very scary!
The excerpt below is from the episode where Don Ecker plays host. At about the 1:45:00 time mark on the 2 hour podcast (Aug 9, 2009). David shared some stuff that I found really moving. He’s said as much before on other episodes, so don’t ask me why, but this time it really got to me.

Below is a slightly edited (for clarity) transcript from David. I added the dot-dot-dot thing (...) to show where I took out some extraneous dialogue. Italics are all mine.

For reasons I can't explain, this bit of dialogue really got to me, so much so that I transcribed it minutes after hearing it. Let me make this clear, he was saying exactly what I’m feeling.

David said:

When this kind of stuff has intersected with your life you - I mean - for so many years I didn’t think about this stuff - for so many years...

But it’s not an experience, it’s a whole framework. It’s really really odd stuff. Really weird.

So, the point is, when this stuff intersects with your reality at a certain point it kinda reaches an overflow point where you can’t ignore it anymore. So I guess for me, I reached a point where, y’know, I had been bottling this stuff up - suppressing it - all of it...

I’m bringing this up so that people can have some appreciation for the fact that I’m grappling with this stuff in my life. I mean, this is stuff that I don’t have answers for - I have so many questions - and I don’t have a lot of understanding for a lot of this stuff - and - It’s almost as if when Gene was saying to me “Hey, why don’t we do a show about this stuff?”

And, at first I was really hesitant, and then I thought: Maybe it’ll feel good to talk about this some of this... And I wanna talk about these things. Look, maybe at some point I’ll end up regretting all of this, there are times now when I regret it...

But - What are y’gunna do? I’m in my mid-40’s, do I wanna suppress this stuff anymore? No.

I think these things have happened to me for some sort of a reason. Now, I could be wrong about that, but I sorta know I’m not. This is where things get murky and complicated...

But when you’ve interacted with the unknown in the ways I have, there seems to be some sort of purpose to it. And I don’t pretend to know what the purpose is. I don’t know. We’re talking about ongoing things, so - I don’t know - I have a lot of questions...

We have to talk about these things. Look, someone has to have the rational discourse about this stuff. Someone's gotta do it.


Well said David.
thankyou, it is fascinating indeed. are these experiences of a ufo nature or are they something else entirely?
When you say "ufo nature," am I correct in assuming you mean "aliens?"
There is much evidence that there is a broad overlap of all manner of "something else entirely," UFO's being only one element.
Only a small percentage of people bother to report, or even speak about amongst friends, UFO experiences. Of this small percentage, there is another small percentage, who I am willing to bet money, have had other paranormal experiences, such as psychic premonition, poultergeist and ghostly activity, cryptids, etc., but they don't mention those details in their UFO reports because they are afraid, rightly so, that most people will think they've lost a cog.
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To be frank here, if David wanted to speak about all of his experiences, I'm sure he would have done so. The events that he has discussed were ones in which he had other witnesses.

But yes, if you listen to the back catalogue of shows you will hear those experiences which he has discussed.
By the way, I have been trying to find the two episodes about Davids experiences of gained time, and the afterlife one (of his mother) but I can't seem to find them anywhere when I go through the archives.
Does anyone know which ones they are?
By the way, I have been trying to find the two episodes about Davids experiences of gained time, and the afterlife one (of his mother) but I can't seem to find them anywhere when I go through the archives.
Does anyone know which ones they are?
The timeshifting episode is 10/19/2008
David and his mom 10/15/2006
There was enough talk of these on the forum that out of curiousity I sought them out.
The PARACAST has several other personal stories from David. All of these were shared in the early days of the show. There may be more, I am listing these from memory.

- The curiously faceless woman who he saw (with a friend) near a pool in Florida.

- The story of the woman who would appear in his life. This was during an interview with Brad Steiger.

- The UFO sighting with his parents and next door neighbor in New Jersey in the early 70's.

- The cigar shaped giant UFO seen by him, his brother and parents (and people on the streets of Caracas) in Venezuela in 1974.
thanks for those Red
Oooo I havent heard the woman appearing one yet, will have to check that out.

Listened to the one with the 70's ghost woman again recently, such a good episode!