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David Wilcock

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Paranormal Maven
Insane in the membrain or pioneer ?

Nutty as a fruitcake , or the new Einstein ?

Guys, you've got to get this blonde-haired new age thinker on the show. It would be a hoot. Divine Cosmos
I vote Nutty as a fruitcake. ;) But, I agree I would love to see him on the show. Be interesting to see how he would handle himself in a "real" grownup interview instead of the Noory treatement.
Never heard of him. Who is he?

I think this is the guy who Noory lobs softballs to and claims to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. He also made some kind (someone who knows please correct me) disclosure date claim. Anyway, I really think a good honest interview on the Paracast would answer the question "genius or quack?" :p
Never heard of him. Who is he?

Hi Siani,

Neither had I, but here's his site,

I think? he showed up in that video I posted in the thread "Just made me smile" from around 5.25secs.

When I posted that I nearly put in an apology for that segment, considering his wingmen :). Shit sandwich sprang to mind, but I dont like to jump the gun and I do think he would make an interesting guest.

I always prefer Bagels anyway :redface:.

I'm quite familiar with David Wilcock, and I even met him briefly in Laughlin at a UFO conference.

He claims to be the reincarnation of Edgar Casey. He makes a good point about that, and backs it up well.

I find him very interesting and (at times) an insightful thinker. I enjoy listening to him talk, and I find some of his concepts engaging.

BUT - He has sort of an inflated ego. He would be a poor fit on THE PARACAST. David would probably need to hang up (justifiably).

I have a soft-spot for folks with wild ideas. This guy talks about big concepts - and even makes sense a lot of the time. He is the darling of Project Camelot (yes, I know).

He gets interviewed occasionally on a podcast called RED ICE CREATION. That show is a better fit for him than THE PARACAST. THat's where I would recommend you search him out for an audio intro.

Here's a long powerpoint talk. Watch it at your own peril.

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-4951448613711060908&hl=en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>
Here's some more psycho-babble from David Wilcock.
The whole jump-room to Mars thing is quite fascinating though.
I would love to see him on The Paracast to explain some of this stuff.
In my view he would be a wasted guest on the Paracast, and the show would rapidly devolve into a train wreck. Anyone who promotes himself as the reincarnated spirit of Edgar Cayce is immediately suspect. There seem to be a lot of these New Age guru's who do nothing more than re-hash what already exists in the public domain from the NDE & OBE literature, 2012 cults and Neale Donald Walsch's "Conversations with God".
Sorry, MikeC, this yutz is a pretty obvious waste of time. Seriously. He doesn't make a good case for squat, except perhaps that anyone can behave like a horsehead sandwich with a steamy side of bullshit.

Hey - don't make me out to be a David Wilcock groupie!

I said he would be a poor fit for the PARACAST, and that you would need to hang up (justifiably).

I did NOT give the guy glowing praise - Yutz is seems accurate.
I saw David Wilcock speak at a conference ( laughlin 2008 ) and he did a long power-point presentation, and part of it was on the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce (sp?) thing. He listed a bunch of curious stuff that he had in common with the guy, and then showed photographs of Cayce (sp?), and there was a resemblance. And he even went on about how confusing it was for him, and how strange it was. There was some heartfelt stuff about being dragged unwittingly into the whole thing. He also talked about meeting Edgar Cayce scholars form (of all places) the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. and how they uncovered some more interesting coincidences. Upon reflection, I actually thought he made a good case, and I can't say I literally believed him, but it was intriguing.

I actually can't remember all that much, but I do remember enjoying the presentation, and thinking it much of was pretty interesting.

Now - At one point, he did actually play one of his "songs" and that was so f*cking creepy it made my skin crawl. He simply pushed play on his laptop, and then he stood there for the next two and a half minutes forcing the entire audience to listen. I'm not kidding, that was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. And then he went right on with the power-point stuff.

And - It was obvious the guy had a hopelessly exaggerated sense of self importance (again - creepy, but not as creepy as that song).

Now, that said - Part of presentation was comparing the pineal gland to the human eye in it's clustering of nerve receptors, and how it gets called the third eye. And how it looks like a tiny pine cone - and how there is a lot of pinecone imagery in mythology, ancient egypt and at the vatican. I thought that stuff was really interesting. This is all a little foggy after two years, but - here's what I'm saying - I remember enjoying his presentation. Except for the creepy song.
Okay - I need to say something. Does anyone actually know what it's like to live in Idaho?

Please know, I got to use the wonderfully descriptive term "Yutz" in a posting. This is something that I simply could not have done in a casual conversation here in my rural neck of the woods. Yes, I know I was only parroting David, but it just plain felt good.

I lived for 10 years of my in New York City and (besides movies, food, bookstores, live music and late night restaurants) I dearly miss hearing, and occasionally using, Yiddish.
You seem like a very spiritual and nice guy, mikec, but David Wilcock is a horrible person. Does he or does he not have a cult leader haircut?
Have to say I clicked on his website and within 10 seconds I was spitting my coffee allover and laughing. Ha ha that picture of him with the headset on, I just though he looked like a right woohaaa...I think its the haircut...he looks freaky. :eek:
Just a couple of points. I'm a little "left" of center but I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. Now, one of the things he is masterful at doing is slinging wild and grouping bunches of folks in with a crackpot or two and then all of them are sullied. I say that to say this. One post on here said somthing along the lines of o.b.e. n.d.e. blah,blah,blah. Well the truth is (no I don't think Wilcox is da man. I knew that after five minutes of hearing him.) But anyway the truth is there are plenty of serious researchers in O.B.E. and N.D.E. and Raymond Moody and John Mack (although he was a little new agey at times)and Melvin Morse and others. We will NEVER be able to get out of the box with the paranormal with that attitude. There truly are legitimate questions and I hope we can have more of a paracast type attitude instead of a jimmy randi "it's all woo woo" mess. Peace! 8)