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I just would rather see David sit quietly than walk off. as strong as my support and confidence lies with David (and Gene) I just felt I would have rather David not have just leave and say he's done with the paracast. Im on a break and still have 40 mins to listen to and am going to finish listening in a minute. It just right now is relaying (and I am a fan) of unprofessionalism. but let me say I am strongly with David and his instinct of how he handles these situations, he's just coming across as a loose cannon. I am with David and Gene, I havnt finished the show and I am an admitted neophyte. I just know in my own reality if I behaved like that it would be totally unacceptable. I am not saying what he did was wrong. I am still processing the whole presentation (podcast). I am just relaying these feelings. I will listen in the entirety shorty. I'm not sure how I feel with Dave bailing on Gene like that.

g 40
This occur on the latest Birnes show? If so, I could sympathize lol. I made it 20 minutes into the show I think. I bout had an aneurism (sp check Capn) too. I'll listen to the rest later I'm sure. David bailing sounds like probably the most interesting (to me) thing that probably occurred.

Lear is crap. We know that now. Did we know that back then or would he have made friendly with Lazar/Knapp/whoever? Would he not have weaseled his way into one of Lazar's Area 51 UFO taping visits? Of course he would, just like Greer traveled to Gulf Breeze with his flashlight clan because it was a safe bet he'd be able to tape something odd in the sky that he could tout as his doing.

I'm pretty sure that was Birnes' point about the Lear tape (or is it Lazar's tape with Lear in it?)

It's not that anything out of his mouth is true, it's that back in the day he was able to network his way into situations like this, as a hanger-on. The lie comes after that, that he was an important player who blah-blah-blah and so on. No, he's just a dude who was invited somewhere to film these craft by a friend.
Ive said in in another thread.I have seen a marked difrence in davids behavior over tha last year.Maybe he's just fed up with alot of crap he hears.Many people come and go for awhile in this subject.It can get madning.I just hate to see a show and a host who,despite diffrences,I think is very good.I think he has alot of other stuff that must be going on in his personel life.I have been a listner since almost its inception.Maybe dave needs a break? Any way "cornhole-"ing guests(desverdly or not) and just walking out on guests isnt the way to go.But I* already know dave'S response."ITS MY SHOW DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RUN IT" attitude will show up.I don't know.I sincerly don't know.It's none of my buisness if there other private matters.The guy is very good.Just hate to see it slip away........:confused:
This is a strange field with intense dudes.

Listening to Bill Birns go on (and on and on) was pretty intense. (I'll add I kinda like him)

And, true enough, David is an intense dude too. (right on for David!)

A common pattern in this strange field is that people will dive in, get swallowed up and overwhelmed, get burned out and walk away. Maybe they come back someday. Maybe not. But, the stresses of such intense intenseness (a real word?) can make the best of us tremble.

Anyway - David, fer christ'sake - take a vacation! We don't wanna loose you to the pressures of dealing with such weirdness! (and weirdoes).

= = =

I'll add that Gene is a monument of calm, and I could even hear some real-deal exasperation in his voice during this show.
David is a human being, and human beings have limits to how much shit they're willing to swallow.

I personally find it difficult to watch or listen to any of this stuff anymore for the simple fact that nothing new is being added to the field, without the obligatory pricetag.

It seems more often than not the same faces, the same news, and the same nonsense keeps being recycled. I for one applaud David for bailing.

The UFO genre can be summed up like this. You are going to have sex with a woman with an incredible voice. You've been blindfolded, and you can't see what the woman looks like. The minute you start to have sex, she stops talking or making any noise, and you've lost all of the feeling in your penis. Once the novelty of this has worn off you've just realized something about yourself. You can bang away all you like, but eventually you're going to get tired and pull out before you get any satisfaction.

The UFO field is full of people who purport to know the truth, have the answers, and all they do is leave you with your imagination and nothing else. "We don't know", seems to be a common theme. As if the Mysterious is enough for some people.


I have found that if you watch one episode of UFO Hunters, you've pretty well seen them all. If you've watched ANY of the various UFO documentaries, you've seen them all. At the end of each episode, you know nothing more than you did at the start.

More people should tune out of the mainstream, because the mainstream doesn't answer real questions nor does it really satisfy anyone's curiosity about anything.

I would hope that everyone could understand David's point of view, and take that same tact when listening to other shows. The more you dismiss these people, the better off the community is.
You are going to have sex with a woman with an incredible voice. You've been blindfolded, and you can't see what the woman looks like. The minute you start to have sex, she stops talking or making any noise, and you've lost all of the feeling in your penis. Once the novelty of this has worn off you've just realized something about yourself. You can bang away all you like, but eventually you're going to get tired and pull out before you get any satisfaction.
You need to see a doctor! :)

have found that if you watch one episode of UFO Hunters, you've pretty well seen them all. If you've watched ANY of the various UFO documentaries, you've seen them all. At the end of each episode, you know nothing more than you did at the start.
Excellent point and is the exact reason I avoid all the TV stuff with a passion. Its like with the Larry King shows, they kept showing Billy Mier and known hoax footage so I turned it off.
I am fairly new in these parts, but I thought I would jump in the fray and offer MHO anyway. Why are folks spending SO MUCH time discussing: (1) personalities, (2) the veracity of "researchers" who are doing nothing but repeating others' stories without real critical analyses or evidence, and (3) gossip? It feels as if UFOlogy eats its own and continually gets pre-occupied with sideshow barkers.

The Paracast has such potential and with intelligent hosts, why even go there? The show took a downhill turn at the very start when the focus was on Harris, a person and a parrot, and some legal squabble. I believe that Birnes and Gene and David all have something to contribute to the conversation--but if it is kept on track and they leave out personal editorializing about PEOPLE (who are not experiencers or true fact-finding researchers), name dropping for ego gratification, and inside baseball. If show hosts leave the conversation because of thin skin, I wonder about the maturity of the discussion and the topic at all.

Shows like C2C are pure entertainment. Shows like the Paracast are starting to turn into the "Entertainment Tonight" of UFOlogy with gossip about the entertainers on stage. I hope the show gets back on coarse with some stimulating discussion on theories and evidence and experiences and loses the chatter about the "stars."

Ok--blast away at me.. :)
The UFO field is full of people who purport to know the truth, have the answers, and all they do is leave you with your imagination and nothing else. "We don't know", seems to be a common theme. As if the Mysterious is enough for some people.


But that's why we're here isn't it, because the paracast tries to get away from the "sell sell sell!" aspect of these mysteries and just sit down and talk about them? Okay, so Birnes went over David's BS tolerance (and by his own admission, David's been having some personal strain lately, lowering that tolerance further) but by your own criteria, would it not have been more productive for him to have used that to fuel the Angry Human rather than take his ball and go home? All he wound up doing was giving Birnes license to ramble on for the rest of the show, virtually unchallenged...

Oh and Aaron, I was gonna say it's "anuerysm" but apparently both spellings are considered correct.
Oh and Aaron, I was gonna say it's "anuerysm" but apparently both spellings are considered correct.

Ah, someone reads my posts. cool. I got a misspell on my attempt. It looked right to me, but I figured you'd know, so I said, f-k the dictionary etc.
I gotta' say I'm not a huge fan of Birnes. He doesn't strike me very much as the "thinker" type this field requires, let alone a researcher. The type of thinking he seems to partake in is getting his stories across, and thinking about how he can make you believe them, or make them seem valid. I can't think of a time when I heard him attempt to interpret something, or break it down and try to make sense of it. You know, research. It seems as though he makes up his mind before anything conclusive is brought to the table, in my opinion because he doesn't require it. That said, it's just unfortunate that he's the type of person who will try to ram that stuff down your throat paying no heed to how ridiculous he sounds. He's more of a business man than a researcher to me. I wouldn't put him in the same boat as Greer though, not by a long shot. There's a difference between a business man and a con artist.

I don't blame David. Despite the negative emotional charge in what ended up happening, I think he did the respectful thing. I think it would have been less professionial to either sit there and brood in silence, or engage in a shouting match with Birnes. I think I would have reacted the same way David did, and just walked away.
i didnt like the way this show ended.....which leaves me wondering...

what was the reason for that (quiet) outburst? Initially, it seems like typical boohoo, crybaby, only child mentality "screw you guys, im goin' home" type stuff

but i guess it's possible that dave likes or respects bill birnes too much to get into it with bill

or i guess it could just be a bad week

but yeah, either way....loose cannon all over

this show is quickly taking a turn for the negative.....instead of inspiring shows (like the gary schwartz show a few weeks back).....we're getting bombarded with just downright negative shows or run-of-the-mill boring rehashed stuff.

anyway, sign of the times me thinks

oh well, for the first time in over 2 years im gonna be taking paracast off my list.....we've had some good time, ol' show....i'm gonna miss ye

*loads shotgun, wiping away tears*
I listened to the episode last night and I liked it. I thought Birnes talked about a wide range of subjects and I liked the show.

As for David, I can understand feeling that way about someone you KNOW is lying about you. In other circles I have had this done about me. Because of my political views on issues like 9/11 I've been called a "fed" from the "CIA, NSA, CENTCOM, ect" I have also been called a "Jesuit agent" for supporting Ron Paul. Fuck, I've had someone say I was part of the "LaRouche Youth" before. It's just insane. I "work" for a better future for my country and I'm a peaceful activist for America's future. You are going to get that David, sometimes from people who are "feds" and sometimes from people who are lunatics. It's not "right" but it will happens. Hell, I'll tell you the next lie about you, some fed or nut will say. They will say because you are Jewish that you are Mossad or some outrageous lie. Call them what they are and take it with stride. If you were not on to something and doing good people wouldn't lie about you because there would be no reason to.
I liked the show, despite Dave's departure. He was mad about the NSA thing, so what?

But some background history on this would've been useful.

As far as Birnes is concerned, yeah he has some good info at times, but one must remember he's first and foremost a publisher/publicist/promoter and a self-admitted one at that, so nobody should be surprised at some of the 'noise' he passes along occasionally.

And Corso? Well, I use time-traveling descendents as a sci-fi foil in my fiction, so Birnes isn't offering up anything new here IMHO.

Keep up the worthwhile interviews though guys, like with Friedman, Tonnies and even Vallee.

Those are the 'keepers!'