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Daylight triangle video

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Whether you have seen this video or not, what are your thoughts?

I've seen this video, and after experiencing and capturing a similar sighting, I emailed and sent it to David Sereda to ask him what he thought.

While it's not exactly the same, and while whatever this is seemed to change shape several times, he felt it might be a triangle too.

Here is a color adjusted clip of the daytime sighting, one not color adjusted, and the full-speed capture.

There seem to be several types of triangular craft out there. This might be one too, but not sure yet! All I know is its not a balloon, drone, plane or quad copter.
I've seen this video, and after experiencing and capturing a similar sighting, I emailed and sent it to David Sereda to ask him what he thought.

While it's not exactly the same, and while whatever this is seemed to change shape several times, he felt it might be a triangle too.

Here is a color adjusted clip of the daytime sighting, one not color adjusted, and the full-speed capture.

There seem to be several types of triangular craft out there. This might be one too, but not sure yet! All I know is its not a balloon, drone, plane or quad copter.
Very interesting and thank you for sharing. My best educated guess is some type of classified U.S. secret project. But who knows? Could be anything.
Whether you have seen this video or not, what are your thoughts?

I find it interesting. Re whether this one could be one of 'ours', my thought is that if it is it must be remote controlled since I don't think a human operator could withstand all that jittering about from one place to another.