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Skilled Investigator
President Obama secretly flew into Kabul, in a surprise visit to the military troops fighting in Afghanistan. Where, in his speach, he said to them, "We will Disrupt, Dismantle, Defeat and Destroy" the Al Qaeda and it's allies problems. http://news.rediff.com/interview/2010/mar/29/obama-vows-to-destroy-qaedas-safe-haven-in-af-pak.htm
He was looking awfully LIKE
George Bush to me, in that flight jacket, and that demeanor. Maybe it's just Mua, though. (?) Bbbbb but............Isn't terrorism a.........TACTIC? How do you destroy a tactic? Annnnnnnnd, isn't Al Qaeda a movement, a cause, a belief? Or can Al Qaedas be hidden under our beds and in our closets, at night? We just need to know what toooooo........ look for?
I was watching my usual daily cable TV news outlets, as I saw the FBI round up these ultra violent militia American white males, who were planning on conducting terrorism against policemen. And remember, not too long back, there were at least two, blue-eyed white women, who were caught helping Al Qaeda. "Jihad Jane(s)".
I have defended "My President" in this forum previously, but this recent Neocon warhawk rhetoric has me wondering. Don't get me wrong, terrorists need to CONTINUALLY be pursued. BUT by FBI and CIA under covert cover. Not sending US troops in BIG ("here-we-are!!!") tanks, to go rolling over IEDs.
What do you all think of this recent stuff? If you want to throw your 2 cents in here, welcome!
President Obama secretly flew into Kabul, in a surprise visit to the military troops fighting in Afghanistan. Where, in his speach, he said to them, "We will Disrupt, Dismantle, Defeat and Destroy" the Al Qaeda and it's allies problems ...

Remember you can't always believe everything you read or see in the media. A lot of whats reported is just to keep people in fear. Like that "Jihad Jane" thing. Sounds like disinfo to me. A way of making people fear the blonde haired blue eyed ones around them as well than the evil swarthy middle eastern looking ones. Making people fear each other is a way that the powers that be keep the proles from doing anything to stop them. It paralyses them, keeps them in a paranoid state and stops them from being proactive ... from going after the true bad guys.

The American Free Press which is printed in Washington and which is one of the very few truly independent newspapers left in the US has a motto ... and that is "The Media Is The Enemy". And that is very true.
I suppose the paranoid response to these incidents is that the 'Jihad Janes" are ringers put there to instill fear on the part of the populace. People would no longer just be afraid of Muslims, but women with blond hair, and whatever "dangerous" class of people they choose to add.