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Dec 18th Show preamble

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Paranormal Maven
Hi there,
In the first 10 mins of the 18th December show, Chris references site(s) and person(s) who are looking to open up ufo data for the purpose of possibly graphing and trend analysis to better help other researchers. Can someone provide me a link(s) to the follow details? I'd be interested in helping to setup the network from a technical perspective.

There is a 60K dump of ufo sightings of the NUFORC dataset available which can be used as a starting point. I appreciate that Gene and Chris do bang on about doing 'in the field' research, but I do also think that the armchair researcher does have a part to play and the sharing of data could well identify something that those firmly inside the bubble might miss.

In regards to the investigator rating, I have looked into doing this previously and you do not necessarily need a lawyer - it all comes down to what you say and 'how' you say it. It also helps if you have your servers in a less helpful country ;) Clarity in how the ratings are arrived at is the key and there are plenty of established protocols that have set a precedent.

Anyway, happy to talk this through with anyone and if someone could provide the initial details requested, I'd appreciate that.
