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December 25, 2011 Show

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Paranormal Adept
Kudos for getting this show out the day after Christmas. That shows real professionalism on your part...No, I really mean it.:cool:
Or madness. :D
I think the correct term is "workaholism" ;)

Hope everyone in the Paracast community had a lovely Xmas dinner.

And that they didn't get too disappointed when they noticed Santa didn't arrive, on account of... premature engagements :P

Now that I've listened to the podcast, I must say it was interesting and informative. I think he was pretty rational on the whole, although he seemed a little too respectful of the SERPO stuff. On the positive side, he was soberly conservative regarding 9/11 conspiracies.

I'd also like to mention that Stanton Friedman, as respectable a researcher as any, does consider it possible that there has been informal communication between the U.S government and E.T. He takes the allegations concerning Eisenhower as potentially being true. Some of what Bekkum had to say would be consistent with that sort of report.