Good show so far, haven't quite finished it yet, but its interesting so far.
One issue I have is this guys take on suicide, the idea that people only do it for selfish reasons and then are punished for it in the supposed afterlife strikes me as callous and simplistic. How about people who end their lives due to terrible pain from chronic illnesses? How about sexually or physically abused children who commit suicide to escape their tormenters? Are they doomed to an afterlife of loneliness and misery? If not, who decides?
It reminds me of the popular, but ridiculous, new age idea that we create our own reality. It sounds great on the surface, but think about it for awhile and you realize its nonsense. It's an appealing perspective for some to imagine that they are solely responsible for their wonderful, first world lives in which they've always had enough, but what about those born into poverty and squalor? What about those born into physical or mental retardation or childhood cancer? Are they creating their own reality? How about when a plane crashes, who creates that reality? Everyone on the plane? Just one sad person who wants to die and dooms a whole plane full of innocents? The problems with an idea like this are legion and I'm sure the mental gymnastics believers use to justify these beliefs are just as legion.
Bottom line, new age ideas about the workings of the universe are fucking stupid.