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Did Paul Hellyer ever get Paracasted ?

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Paranormal Adept
This is our former Canadian minister of defense. The honorable Paul Hellyer.

I'd love to hear his responses to:

Why get on the ET bandwagon so late in life ?
Why damage an honorable reputation for the sake of a personal interest ?
What was so convincing in the book of Phillip J. Corso that triggered his conversion ?
What are the corelations between his career and Phillip Corso's activities in Washington ?
What is he able to validate in Phillip Corso's book. (The day after Roswell) ?

By the way, congrats to Gene and David for their fantastic show !!!
That would be one interview Id love to hear too.

He's getting up in age... better catch him before he leaves for another dimension ;).
.... and while you're at it, is there really any reason why Bill Clinton couldn't be called in. (Consultant fees maybe ;)).

LOL, An entire show about his famous quote: Sarah, there’s a government inside the government, and I don’t control it

I've got a feeling that disclosure is really about harrassing the guys until they fess up. George Bush (the father)... ex CIA chief would be a spectacular guest .... <dream on lol>
It is my belief that Hellyer is simply being disingeuously used by Greer. IIRC, Hellyer's interest in the field was sparked by attending a Greer conference in Hawaii just a few years ago, well after his retirement. Greer seized upon Hellyer's past and began trotting him out, being sure to call him, "The Honourable Defence Minister" when, in fact, Hellyer hadn't been the 'Defence Minister' in decades. I think he was Minister during Trudeau's administration. Everyone's mistaken presumption is that Hellyer had some inside information when he was in office, therefore he is a credible witness. In fact, Hellyer has NEVER claimed inside information. He is simply someone who is interested in the subject, just like you and I.
It is my belief that Hellyer is simply being disingeuously used by Greer. IIRC, Hellyer's interest in the field was sparked by attending a Greer conference in Hawaii just a few years ago, well after his retirement. Greer seized upon Hellyer's past and began trotting him out, being sure to call him, "The Honourable Defence Minister" when, in fact, Hellyer hadn't been the 'Defence Minister' in decades. I think he was Minister during Trudeau's administration. Everyone's mistaken presumption is that Hellyer had some inside information when he was in office, therefore he is a credible witness. In fact, Hellyer has NEVER claimed inside information. He is simply someone who is interested in the subject, just like you and I.

He sure likes to quote Wilbert Smith alot.
And his bold claims are applauded wildly in this conference.

Too bad there's no institution to counter-validate these types of claims from high level officials except the internet. Send Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, Paul Hellyer ... etc and all the noise-makers to a legit court. Once you're a public figure, especially a high level one, you should be forced to back up your claims ?

These people are actually teasing the governments to do just that, but they know they'll never get a response ;) ... thus the Bassett Barnum & Bailey act.

In all my years, I don't recall ever hearing a Canadian politician being referred to as Vice-Premier.

We have a Prime Minister, a Deputy Prime Minister, Premiers of our Provinces, and Deputy Premiers. The Deputies are only active when their respective leaders are away, or ill.

We have Members of the Legislative Assembly, they are the Provincial representatives of their ridings, and we have Members of Parliament, who are the Federal representatives of their ridings.

We have a Lieutenant Governor for each Province, who represents the Crown, and for our country, we have a Governer General, who represents the Crown.

nowhere do I remember a "vice-premier", and ya, Hellyer is an old boot, and dates back to Trudeau, and he was an old boot then. I have no problem tossing this into the trash can along with the rest of the garbage scavenged from the dumpster and recycled as 'new' or relevant.
In all my years, I don't recall ever hearing a Canadian politician being referred to as Vice-Premier.

The Canadian ministerial structure which emulates the British is not well understood by Americans. The Vice-Premier title replacing the real ex-minister of defense was probably done by exo-politiks.com to boost Hellyer's importance in the eyes of an american audience ;)

We'll at least Hellyer seems to be enjoying the food at these gatherings :D
It is my belief that Hellyer is simply being disingeuously used by Greer. IIRC, Hellyer's interest in the field was sparked by attending a Greer conference in Hawaii just a few years ago, well after his retirement. Greer seized upon Hellyer's past and began trotting him out, being sure to call him, "The Honourable Defence Minister" when, in fact, Hellyer hadn't been the 'Defence Minister' in decades. I think he was Minister during Trudeau's administration. Everyone's mistaken presumption is that Hellyer had some inside information when he was in office, therefore he is a credible witness. In fact, Hellyer has NEVER claimed inside information. He is simply someone who is interested in the subject, just like you and I.

An ex-Defence Minister interested in the subject is still a compelling notion.
Every Canadian I've heard speak about Hellyer says negative things about him. He isn't held in high regard it seems.

I'd still would love to hear him out under scrutiny. Is he making all this noise to pig out at conference buffets and sell books ? . I'd like to know if he has kids and if he cares about his legacy and why the UFO issue means so much to him ?

What do his kids think about his behavior ? Resolving simple human stuff would do it for me.
Well, just had to do a reality check on the Hellyer issue. My hubby knew him through his (hubby's) parents, and also knew Hellyer senior. His opinion is that Hellyer was a 'gentleman capable of gutter fighting', he was tough as nails, and didn't suffer fools in the slightest. He also says Hellyer was always kind/nice to him when he was at the house.

Hubby also says that if Hellyer says he knows of UFO activity, he would put it as credible.

However, I haven't heard anything that indicates Hellyer 'knows' of UFO activity that the government is sitting on, only that he 'believes' UFOs exist and that is because of the Corso book

If I am wrong on that last, by all means direct me to the proper research sites and I will spend some time reading.