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Did the curiosity rover snap a picture of petrified vegetation ?

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hmm this one is hard to tell very blurry hard to tell I will put this in the "unknown" bin till we can get a better look. most likely is a rock...
I suppose Martian vegetation could look like a rock, since who can know what such vegetation would have looked like. But isn't pareidolia a lot of fun?
I suppose Martian vegetation could look like a rock, since who can know what such vegetation would have looked like. But isn't pareidolia a lot of fun?

True... We don't know what it looked like if there was any vegetation (And there probably was in the distant past) , but isn't it sad that the only thing the debunkers or non-believers can come up with is the word "pareidolia" , Cause that's the only thing people seems to know lately. One professor talked about it , and suddenly it's the explanation for everything. Kinda sad.
Universe seeker... sometimes a rock is just a rock.. the image is so small so blurry..yes it could be but..in all likelihood is.. just a rock..if it was a clear pic unmistakable. . You would be hailed as one who found life on mars

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Universe seeker... sometimes a rock is just a rock.. the image is so small so blurry..yes it could be but..in all likelihood is.. just a rock..if it was a clear pic unmistakable. . You would be hailed as one who found life on mars

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that I hear also all the time "a rock is just a rock" , but I didn't said that I found life , I said can be "petrified veghetation ?" , that's not like telling there is life, we all know that there could have been life in the past :-)
Yes..but if that was a petrified plant and it is a clear unmistakable image.. you would be hailed.. look im not being combative here.. but the image is so small so blurry..its hard to judge. .

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I would love to see clear proof of any of the wild claims from martian pictures. So far we've had "martian lady" "martian Squid" "martian spoon" ect. I recommend, Universeseeker, that you become familiar with common, actual Pareidolia as it occurs on planet earth. Why do you resist this common human trait so much? It is not something a scientist 'made up'. It's a real mental phenomenon, not some conspiracy to disprove things you imagine you see in martian landscapes.

It is the reason we all see faces in the clouds. And faces in rocks. and mysterious "lost cities" in erosion patterns on Earth and Mars. It's a real thing. If you choose to discount it, that is done at your own peril. If you want anyone to take you seriously, you must come to terms with pareidolia. Then continue onward from a position of informed opinion. Until then, I'm afraid many of us will not take these "martian anomalies", especially ones that are fished from YouTube, that seriously.

Don't get mad at us. We've been at this a long time. Claiming pareidolia is not a genuine phenomenon will not get you far, here.