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Did U.S. Soldiers Butt-Rape Iraqi Boys ?

Free episodes:

Charlie Prime

Paranormal Adept
Americans now regard governments torturing people as acceptable, but will raping children now become acceptable?

Back in the old days government employees like those at the Nuremberg trials used to be hanged until dead for torturing prisoners. Not any more.

Today Americans believe torture by government employees is fine and dandy. Some journalists say video exists of U.S. Soldiers butt-raping Iraqi children. If that video comes out, I wonder if Americans will also accept that behavior.

Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers - The Anti-Media
This episode reminds me of the Abu Ghraib prison torture photos from eleven years ago.

- First the government denied the photos existed.
- Then the Government used legal threats to prevent journalists from releasing the photos.
- Then the Government claimed it was blameless because it had no knowledge such things were happening.
- Years later memos came to light proving they did.

Old Seymour Herch is no slouch. Other stories he reported that were denied at the time, but later confirmed:
  • The My Lai Massacre
  • The KAL flight 007 psyop against Russia.
  • Israel's Nuclear Weapons program.
  • Clinton's cruise missile attack on a Sudanese pharmaceutical factory.
  • Dick Cheney's fake intel supporting the Iraq invasion.
  • Rumsfeld's "Copper Green" torture program.
  • The CIA Sarin gas attack on Syria.
There has to be a certain type of psychopathy involved that would cause male American soldiers to become aroused to the point of anal penetration by the thought of raping young boys. Were the soldiers all pedophiles or is there another dynamic at work that causes a male to become sexually aroused by the thought of totally dominating a child simply for the male's sexual pleasure (assuming that each soldier involved reached climax within the boy's anus).
The way all torture is legitimized is by portraying the victims as less-than-human. I remember several right wing writers insisting that the victims of USA torture were "filth", "subhuman", "garbage". I assume if the child rape charges don't die down, right wing conservatives will try the same tactic on these children.