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Disc-Shaped UFO Captured Above Earth by Nasa

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Look to the right of the supposed UFO in the High res photo and you will see a red dot with a red line heading into the atmosphere ... photo artifact?
I make no claim to being an expert, but if you look closely, there are more than one of those red dots with lines, and also a bluish white one, and they all seem parallel, which suggests to me some sort of scanner artifact. The blurry object off in the distance ( if it's even an object ) cannot be discerned. I would suggest that because it is so blurry, it's actually not really off in the distance, but something much closer to the lens and out of focus. So without more information, there are no UFOs in this image unless by UFO, they mean UnFocused Objects. Interesting nevertheless ... thanks for that one !

While I was at it, I had a look at a couple more. They seem not to be from the original digital files, but scans of photographs. There are lots of artifacts you can find and blow up ( literally and figuratively ) into whatever you want. For example, check out the thing below. It could be billed as, "Giant inverted pyramid mother-ship photographed in Earth Orbit".


This object, artifact, whatever it is, is at the top just right of center of the original image. You have to zoom in quite a ways to see it.

Original image: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/images/ESC/large/ISS006/ISS006-E-51192.JPG

But then again: What if it's not an artifact :eek: !
I'm pretty sure it's a lens flare. The object itself shows a prism effect of colors, Red on top fading to blue. That and the fact that it's direction seems to converge (off camera) with the light source thats causing the white reflection on the clouds (I guess the moon or sun). And if you zoom in more above the object you can see a classic lens flare orb beginning to form. I'm sure if the camera was tilted upwards more revealing the reflections light source, you would see more flares form, all pointing directly at the light source.
With the photo I posted, the first thing that came to mind when I saw it was "artifact" So thanks all this was what I had thought it would be... the thing that gets me is the true believer hype that happens around these with not one of them stopping to say "hey hang on look closer".
With the photo I posted, the first thing that came to mind when I saw it was "artifact" So thanks all this was what I had thought it would be... the thing that gets me is the true believer hype that happens around these with not one of them stopping to say "hey hang on look closer".

Well it looks like the rest of us at the Paracast forum haven't disappointed you! Although I may be a true believer, I certainly don't believe everything that's barfed up out there is something alien.
Definitely a simple lens flare. RobDel has all the salient photographic points in play. When you read the article you see how language used by the blogger tries to create a non-existent reality where apparently the astronauts cared enough to capture the orb. Pure nonsense - the type of reporting that kills the field.
Well it looks like the rest of us at the Paracast forum haven't disappointed you! Although I may be a true believer, I certainly don't believe everything that's barfed up out there is something alien.

True believer? or rational believer?

I saw and filmed a strange object at the end of last year myself so I don't discount peoples sightings or videos out of hand... just careful about what I accept as a possibility.
I saw and filmed a strange object at the end of last year myself so I don't discount peoples sightings or videos out of hand... just careful about what I accept as a possibility.
Unfortunately I read so much that it seems like a lot of what I take in goes right back out as overflow. Can you post a link to your account of that so I can review it in more detail? I tried doing a search but didn't have any luck finding it.
Unfortunately I read so much that it seems like a lot of what I take in goes right back out as overflow. Can you post a link to your account of that so I can review it in more detail? I tried doing a search but didn't have any luck finding it.

Will PM you
Unfortunately I read so much that it seems like a lot of what I take in goes right back out as overflow. Can you post a link to your account of that so I can review it in more detail? I tried doing a search but didn't have any luck finding it.

Well I cant PM you sorry.. guess you have PM setting on to stop PM's
oh well whatever I will post the video here....... enjoy

I never put this up on the public board as I don't want a 100 questions as I have answers for almost none of them as you can understand.

I posted it to Mike, Trainedobserver, and Spooky etc as I have known these guys for a long time.

In retrospect I should have flicked you a PM at the time.

The sound at the start you here is an SUV going past, and yeah it is not the best video but its an honest one and I am still a bit baffled as to what it was to this day.

What it is not is a plane, a helicopter, or a drone and it is not a satellite as it is below the cloud deck.

Anyway here is the original Pm to these guys.

Hi all, I invited you here as I trust your opinion on things.

I just filmed with an I-pod hence the grain of the image, a bright light moving slowly over the house heading due south. For those who do not know where I live that means its next stop is Antarctica.

To the naked eye it was slightly orange in color but the low grade cam on the I-pod could not show this. Sorry I did not have time to get the good cam out and just reacted as fast as I could to video it.

It was silent and just under the cloud layer at about a 1000ft.

When it first appeared it was descending and I did not get to film this bit sorry as I ran for the closest thing I could to film it with fast.

Yes I sound excited in the video which sadly dose not show it that well other than seeing it get brighter and the fact that it was silent.

I am not going to keep this up on my YouTube page for more than a day or so but please feel free to rip it from YouTube and I can email the original to anyone who wants it.

Let me know what you think.

I wanted to keep this off the main bored, I know you guys are critical that is why I posted this for you.

Not much I know but for me and the wife it was an interesting experience.