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Disclosure imminent?

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Skilled Investigator
Strange spiral phenomenon/unknown object in sky before Obama's Speech.
Some saying the acceptance speech is the prelude to official disclosure?

What are your thoughts?
It's about as imminent as Megan Fox and Jessica Alba asking me out on a double date.
Not going to happen.
did you hear that thud?

that was my head hitting the desk.

c'mon people, lets try to keep ourselves grounded here.

It was a russian missle, does this mean the cold war is gonna start up again because it happened before Obama's speech?
Jesus, every time there is a light in the sky someone says Disclosure is imminent. It was supposed to be November 27th, remember? Camelot said so so it must be true. As for Obama's speeches, he always gives speeches. All they disclose is more hot air.
I herebye disclose...

That there will be no disclosure. Mysteries will remain such, and folks will continue to proclaim that "disclosure" is right around the corner - otherwise, why would anyone pay to attend the X-Conference?

It was me. I did it all.
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You know, I felt the same way about getting with both Olson twins until I realized the key ingredient was Doublemint gum!!!:D
There will be no disclosure, except for documents with every word except "and", "For", "Maybe", and other nondescript adjectives.

I KNEW it was you skunkape! You and ALL your primate relatives have been not only plotting mans downfall, but probably giving the aliens all the technology they need to invade! You evil basdidge!!!:p:p
Dr. Evils Time portal?:D I watched the Debunk video saying it was a failed Russian missile test, or some other piece of space age debris. Missiles don't spiral perfectly in any way form or fashion. They go crazy. It looks odd, to say the least.