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Disclosure is coming

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Paranormal Novice
It is happening on 22nd of April 2013
I'm talking about the Sirius Documentary. For more info go to:
Sirius Affiliate Information & Sign Up | Sirius Disclosure
This is going to be a ground breaking event starting the process of disclosure
and finally releasing to the world amazing new technologies
(free energy), which will end our dependence on fossil fuels, will end poverty.

Please help spread the word. Go to the above-mentioned link, and register, also watch the trailer.
Ahhhhh, Dr. Greer and his amazing free energy machine. Yes Sanok ... we have been waiting for this (not to mention the new film) for some time. How much is it going to cost this time? This is almost as much fun as looking forward to and waiting for Star Trek 2! Hmm, it does cause a "warm tingle" to run up and down my leg!!


Rofl. I just have to ask why you would think free energy is going to be a subject of this documentary and even if it is, why you would think that there will anything more than the vague references we've gotten for the last how many years? Greer closed his free energy project (after bilking many gullible investors out of their money I'm sure) and nothing ever came of it, how is this movie going to be any different?
It is happening on 22nd of April 2013
I'm talking about the Sirius Documentary. For more info go to:
Sirius Affiliate Information & Sign Up | Sirius Disclosure
This is going to be a ground breaking event starting the process of disclosure
and finally releasing to the world amazing new technologies
(free energy), which will end our dependence on fossil fuels, will end poverty.

Please help spread the word. Go to the above-mentioned link, and register, also watch the trailer.
And, as with all those previous claims that disclosure was imminent, when this prediction fails too, would you admit you were dead wrong? Inquiring minds want to know.
Ahhhhh, Dr. Greer and his amazing free energy machine. Yes Sanok ... we have been waiting for this (not to mention the new film) for some time. How much is it going to cost this time? This is almost as much fun as looking forward to and waiting for Star Trek 2! Hmm, it does cause a "warm tingle" to run up and down my leg!!



I was laughing so hard I felt a warm tingle down my leg also :O
Well Gene .. of course they are adorable!! Cute, cuddly ... makes me want to pick him (or her) up ... cuddle em' , get em' a milk bone ... and scratch em' behind the ears! Sheesh!

It is happening on 22nd of April 2013
I'm talking about the Sirius Documentary. For more info go to:
Sirius Affiliate Information & Sign Up | Sirius Disclosure
This is going to be a ground breaking event starting the process of disclosure
and finally releasing to the world amazing new technologies
(free energy), which will end our dependence on fossil fuels, will end poverty.

Please help spread the word. Go to the above-mentioned link, and register, also watch the trailer.
I'm there dude.
Got my fricken Power Flash light and everything, those little grey bstards are gonna get cataracts with this bad boy.
I'm there dude.
Got my fricken Power Flash light and everything, those little grey bstards are gonna get cataracts with this bad boy.

You made me think of the Norwegian movie, 'The Troll Hunter' - If you haven't seen it, do so soon, cos it's ace. I won't spoil the plot but your post made me think of it.;)
The whole idea of disclosure is suspect from the very beginning.

How are they going to give it to us? I guess we have our answer...it comes only through Greer, it starts with a few baby aliens, it probably won't be inexpensive. The same people who rig their own interviews, but they know best...we are just babies and can't handle it all at once. I'm not eating those cookies....
Wow Sanok, you're everywhere!

Looks like Greer is doing a great job of spreading the word about his ground breaking news.
If it doesn't happen, I'm sure there will be a perfectly good explanation as to why disclosure didn't
come. I hope his finding are true and "Sirius". :)