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The President could grant sufficient clearance to a representative who could research the issue from inside and report back to the people. I believe this is the approach Kean is taking in a more diplomatic manner. But there seems to be more going on than these people appreciate. I don't want to start sounding spooky, but it's more than just the government suppressing proof of alien visitation. Anyone who gets in that close is going to be dealing with forces they don't comprehend and can't control.
Could it be the "aliens" are in complete control of the phenomenon not only during, but long after each seemingly separate event? This would be analogous to having the source code for an operating system. Evidence winding up in undesirable hands might be simply deleted. Whose scenarios might be deleted.
The degree of infiltration and control that a significantly advanced civilization who has been visiting the Earth for centuries might be able to pull off could be quite extensive and beyond our ability to properly imagine. That the phenomena is in control of our perception of it doesn't seem to be in question. That this control could extend from the initial experience or encounter to how these things are processed within human institutions and organizations isn't that big of a stretch for me. It would explain a great deal.
The degree of infiltration and control that a significantly advanced civilization who has been visiting the Earth for centuries might be able to pull off could be quite extensive and beyond our ability to properly imagine. That the phenomena is in control of our perception of it doesn't seem to be in question. That this control could extend from the initial experience or encounter to how these things are processed within human institutions and organizations isn't that big of a stretch for me. It would explain a great deal.


Indeed it would. But where does that leave us? This is the question that has been plaguing me, and probably other ufologists for some time now. We can talk about it, build websites, investigate sightings, and write another thousand books, but will we ever be any further ahead? So far as I'm concerned there is enough proof of alien visitation out there already in the firsthand experiences of those who have seen UFOs ( alien craft ). There are also many people who have become believers through their own study. Together we must number in the millions, yet there is still the notion persists that somehow we need to prove it to everyone else, as if that would somehow legitimize our efforts. More recently I've taken on the position that we should simply abandon that approach.

From an alien perspective we're trapped here on Earth. We're in a closed system and their technology is so advanced that they can monitor us the way we might monitor a wildlife reserve. On one level we might be nothing more than another indigineous species. But what if they are as curious about life as we are? Then what? Suddenly we become one of the most interesting creatures on the planet, and that opens up a whole range of motivations for studying us in a variety of situations and settings.

So let's take a moment to ponder a really simple analogy. If we're the rats in the maze, what are the walls and what are the doors? Are they going to be obvious like the ones used for creatures incapable of abstract thought? Or are they going to be psychological and perceptual, something designed to observe the complex interactions of those who are aware of the truth and those who aren't. Perhaps it goes even deeper than that by producing various paranormal phenomena in order to evoke and observe specific responses. For example which ones in the tribe are going to invoke primitive spirits and gods and which ones are going to ask the deeper questions, like who's behind the invisible two-way mirror?
You make some excellent points. What a great post.

...But where does that leave us? This is the question that has been plaguing me, and probably other ufologists for some time now. We can talk about it, build websites, investigate sightings, and write another thousand books, but will we ever be any further ahead? ...the notion persists that somehow we need to prove it to everyone else, as if that would somehow legitimize our efforts. More recently I've taken on the position that we should simply abandon that approach.

Where does that leave us? Just speculating, but one of the consequences of an infiltration of the kind that I speaking about is that our beliefs about these matters are molded and guided. There may be millions that believe that aliens have visited or are visiting the Earth however there is no unified understanding or scientific proof capable of creating such an understanding. We might as well be talking about religious beliefs.

Where does that leave us? We start by rejecting the entire popular culture alien visitation meme. We reject the accepted UFO mythology popularized by modern popular Ufology or what passes for it.

... If we're the rats in the maze, what are the walls and what are the doors? Are they going to be obvious like the ones used for creatures incapable of abstract thought? Or are they going to be psychological and perceptual, something designed to observe the complex interactions of those who are aware of the truth and those who aren't. Perhaps it goes even deeper than that by producing various paranormal phenomena in order to evoke and observe specific responses. For example which ones in the tribe are going to invoke primitive spirits and gods and which ones are going to ask the deeper questions, like who's behind the invisible two-way mirror?

Some paranormal phenomena could be the unintentional by-products of operating the apparatus behind that two-way mirror. Vallee's social engineering mechanism and Terence McKenna's elf-machinery. It's hard to determine whether it more likely that as Fort said, "The Earth is a Farm" or just a scientific curiosity. I certainly do not think it is a laboratory where aliens or gods (however you want to define them) are altruistically concerned with our inner lives, spiritual development, or evolution. I think that is just some really incredible wishful thinking. Nothing about any of this appears to be about ferreting out those who are aware of the truth or developing humanity in some social experiment of some kind. It appears to be about masking their true activity through the manipulation of our perception and beliefs. Again, I've just been speculating. While I think my alien infiltration hypothesis makes a great deal of sense I don't necessarily think that is what is actually happening. There are just too many assumptions that have to be made. It seems more likely that all we are experiencing is what can be summed up as the human condition where no outside influence is necessary to produce what we've come to know and love as the human experience.