Telepathy? You know, truth, the dots aren't connecting here. Crime is and will be punishable whether or not there is a disclosed alien presence. Disclosure will not change that process one iota. Even if the aliens arrive, you're still going to have to eat, sleep, and go potty. Life will go on. Maybe you could use it in an attempt to get laid, but I'd be careful there. It could go either way.
"Why don't we go into the other room? After all, the aliens are here!"
"No way. the aliens are here!" See what I mean? Not such a hot pick-up line. It can backfire. And some others:
"Why did you hit your spouse?"
"The aliens are here!"
"Why did you try to rob that person?"
"The aliens are here!"
"Why did you sell methamphetamine to that ten year old?"
"The aliens are here!"
"Why did you shoot that eagle, a protected species?"
"The aliens are here!"
One does not follow the other. It's a non sequitur. Your attorney could bring it up, I suppose, and be laughed out of court. Even if the aliens are here, you still go to jail.
If I may make a polite suggestion, truth. Why not browse around the site awhile and see what has been posted here? There are several threads on 'Disclosure' that present the arguments and reasons for or against, some by some very talented people who have spent some quality time studying the issue. Every time I browse the threads I learn something new. Perhaps you will, too.
And welcome to the forums.