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Paranormal Adept
What will become of the effort from the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure? I predict absolutely nothing will happen. In a few weeks this will be old news and everyone will have moved on. It surely didn't help that characters like Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe were on hand to make sure the spotlight was shining directly on them.

The slant on Disclosure is to try and pressure the 'Government' to open up and tell the people what is going on. That will never happen for any number of reasons. What government official would step up and say we have been lying to the public for the past 66 years or more? The one side of the story that Disclosure addicts never bring up is the side of the 'Entities.' Why have these beings, for lack of a better term, never come forward and given their reasons for visiting our planet? They obviously don't want anyone to know the reasons they have come here.I guess it is a lot easier to think that some official from a government might step forward and spill the beans.

Remember the 2006 O'Hare Airport ufo sighting? There was supposed to be photos taken and numerous people spotting this ufo . That whole business faded away after a few weeks and I haven't heard anything more about it. That incident had seemed like there might be some movement on getting people to open up, but that didn't happen either.

Had this been a real congressional hearing rather than a fake one with former politicians and ufo experts hired out, they might have got more people to really pay attention.
What will become of the effort from the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure? I predict absolutely nothing will happen. In a few weeks this will be old news and everyone will have moved on ...

Well ... it's hard to say for sure that "absolutely nothing" will happen. But that's because I prefer to avoid absolutist statements; because if I do, the universe tends to conspire against me to prove me wrong. What can be said is that it amounts to a PR campaign for the field, and particularly those in the spotlight. This might serve to get other people interested in the topic who will contribute something positive. Or maybe it will shake something unexpected loose. There's all these ripples that happen from the things that take place in the world and we can't always be sure exactly what the effect of something like this will be.
We can, I suppose, hope that something happens by accident that lets the cat out of the bag. Someone who is actually 'in the know' may become disgruntled and go public, an advanced military aircraft using anti-grav might crash in a place/way that is hard to hide, someone may hack a computer system - and go futher than Gary MacKinnon got (if true) etc. There may be some kind of mistake made by a human, these things happen - in a 2 year period, MI5 or MI6 managed to leave a classified laptop in a pub in London - just an example that pretty much nothing in the world is infallible. If there are intelligent beings in craft, I doubt even they can necessarily be aware of every live TV broadcast going on and a news crew may one day accidentally film something pretty undeniable etc.

Granted, the likelihood is small but then again, people used to say the likelihood of us being visited by ET was small or even non-existent. I agree with those who say governments will never disclose while they have anything to say about it.
Of course, there is the theory of slow acclimatisation to ET/whatever reality, and I personally do subscribe to this. It's the natural extension to the Robertson Panel's report. For a number of reasons, few people would argue that the secret can be kept indefinitely so basically I think that while institutions balk at the idea of disclosing even an interest in UFOs, if there is a way for them to get the truth out that does not necessitate them admitting criminal behaviour etc, they will probably do it. Now that we know about extra-solar 'goldilox zone' planets aplenty, what's the next step? I think it may be something like the detection of certain gas signatures etc in the atmosphere of these planets that allow science to say with a high probability that there is life on these planet right now. Something like that, and then you introduce the idea that some of those planets are so old there is a chance life there is advanced and could be exploring the galaxy - you then bring the very idea of ET life closer and closer metaphorically to us until a time comes we can admit they are here.

Of course, that is kinda based solely on the ETH, which just doesn't cover the whole UFO mystery at all. Say that UFOs are inter-dimensional, well then perhaps physics will 'get closer and closer' to a multi-dimensional reality etc and get us used to the idea that there may be intelligences that can cross dimensions etc? It's all conjecture anyway....meh:p!
... Say that UFOs are inter-dimensional, well then perhaps physics will 'get closer and closer' to a multi-dimensional reality etc and get us used to the idea that there may be intelligences that can cross dimensions etc? It's all conjecture anyway....meh:p!

Great post up until that "multidimensional" part. But of course you already know why I think that's a non-starter. Dare I say it lacks depth?
Well ... it's hard to say for sure that "absolutely nothing" will happen. But that's because I prefer to avoid absolutist statements; because if I do, the universe tends to conspire against me to prove me wrong.

Go on, say it! Then you can be wrong and we can all see some action ;)
...you'll be wrong for the right reason, and if you are, who'll care anyways, we'll have some new shiny stuff to talk about. Live a little!
Two stage process:

1. Commission a Brookings level report/update to the hypothesis with a mix of high-profile and specialised scientists;
2. Commission an 'X' prize-like competition (funded by either private or a govt/private mix, perhaps even via KickStartr or similar) for any participants to find a definitively habitable exo-planet within next 10 years. This will enable the lower echelon of millionaires (sub Tito-level) to go for their name in History, provide resources into the field without expecting the government to fund it all, make the area more attractive to aspiring astronomers/chemists/phyisicists to come into.

Bassett/Greer et al will always fail because for them, it's about the ego, not the end result. Let the research and facts do the talking.

Remember, it's OK to fail, in this area it's especially desirable and that it's reported back openly and honestly so others can verify and work on other solutions.

We've got to break the Western mentality that fail = the invalidation of all you've done previously.
I listened to the most recent Paracast show this morning that discussed the Citizen's hearings last week. I gotta tell you ... I found the discussion between Chris and Gene most enlightening and interesting. Chris did a real bang up job on his impressions and his reporting. Damned good discussion guys. Even if I could have attended I must admit I would not have gone. Perhaps I was mistaken in my impressions that nothing of note would happen. (The danger of being too cynical?) I was forced to look at this in new light. Once again guys, great show.

I didn't listen to the webcast, but after hearing Chris, it sounded like a worthwhile endeavor. That being said, the $600,000 (is that the right number?) could probably have been put to better use. But its not my money. The donor evidently wanted to spend his or her money in this manner. I must say, I'm impressed that Steven Basset has that kind of influence.
Of course, there is the theory of slow acclimatisation to ET/whatever reality, and I personally do subscribe to this. It's the natural extension to the Robertson Panel's report. For a number of reasons, few people would argue that the secret can be kept indefinitely so basically I think that while institutions balk at the idea of disclosing even an interest in UFOs, if there is a way for them to get the truth out that does not necessitate them admitting criminal behaviour etc, they will probably do it.

You mean real slow... real slow :D

I'd rather meet a hostile alien than one of those god warriors LOL. Acclimating that woman would probably cost a fortune in heart medication. Not to mention the rash of suicides triggered by destroyed illusions of centrality.
Why is she shouting all the time? What is this show....only in the States I'm afraid! WTF WTF WTF WTF
I'd have her stay with me...wonder how evil she'd think I am? Funny thing is, I can see this woman supporting witch-burning, which makes me a far better Christian then she, and I'm not a Christian.
As ive alluded to before, you can take this to another level.
What if disclosure contained confirmation the ET's are post biological and that (as has been alluded to by a number of sources) are uploading human conciousness at what we call death.

Can you imagine what effect that news would have on people like the woman above.
There are still enough of these people around that life on earth would go to hell in a handbasket real fast.

Take an idea like that and look at it through the lens of local superstition you get this

Basically speaking, Final Events is a study of a think-tank group comprised of personnel from within the U.S. Government, military and intelligence community that has existed in stealth for a surprisingly long time. The group believes that while the UFO issue is a very real one, they do not believe it has anything to do with literal extraterrestrials.

Rather, the group - which calls itself the Collins Elite - concludes that the "aliens" are, in reality, literal demonic entities that are trying to seduce us with a false lure of supposed alien technology, and to - quite literally - steal and farm our souls. The group claim to have discovered evidence that these demonic entities - that seem to utilize a weird combination of advanced technology and archaic rite and ritual - derive a form of "energy sustenance" from the human soul or life force.

In other words, they don't want to land on the White House lawn and help us, nor do they want to destroy us. Rather, they want to maintain the herd, and upon our physical deaths, extract the human life-force as sustenance. The Collins Elite believes this has been going on since the dawning of civilization and that the ET motif is the latest in a long line of deceptive images they have used, and that in the past have included gods, angels, Jinns, fairies, goblins, etc etc.

Since we're talking "demons" here is it safe to assume these are Christians?

Yes, they are all Christians, or became Christians after they came to accept the theory. As for their positions, we're largely talking about people in the Intelligence community - and a lot from the DIA in particular - and also Air Force Intelligence. There are a few of the older, original members left, but today, they have allegedly placed their research on-hold, due to a belief that a final battle between good and evil is drawing near, and that the UFO presence will be finally be revealed for what they believe it to be.

The most ominous thing is that there appear to be some people attached to the group who believe that to save the US from what they perceive as a Satanic threat, the US should be placed under a near-martial law situation with the nation ruled by an iron-fist that adheres to Old Testament style teachings and beliefs. I expand greatly on all this in the book.

How did they think they could fight these demons?

Their belief is that deep belief in, and acceptance of, the Christian God can literally keep the demons at bay. This is why some of the group have contemplated what should be unthinkable: forcefully changing the entire U.S. mindset to that of an Old Testament nature, as part of what I personally conclude is a misguided plan on their part to try and save our souls.

And the best way to put a stop to this allegedly long standing process of "harvesting" our conciousness........ armageddon.
Set off every nuke on the planet and crack it into a dozen large chunks.
Destroy the factory, and you deny them their harvest forever more
Thing is Mike/everyone, I don't care what disclosure might do to that lunatic woman - if she can't handle it, tough.

That woman ? i agree

But what about that mindset in the scenario of ppl with fingers on the big red button

The most ominous thing is that there appear to be some people attached to the group who believe that to save the US from what they perceive as a Satanic threat, the US should be placed under a near-martial law situation with the nation ruled by an iron-fist that adheres to Old Testament style teachings and beliefs
Forcefully changing the entire U.S. mindset to that of an Old Testament nature

Im not worried about her

Final Events is a study of a think-tank group comprised of personnel from within the U.S. Government, military and intelligence community that has existed in stealth for a surprisingly long time. The group believes that while the UFO issue is a very real one, they do not believe it has anything to do with literal extraterrestrials.

That worrys me.

Personally i find the idea that a post biological technically advanced society would upload my conciousness and equip me with a series of enhanced optimised biovessels an exciting idea, it sure beats sitting around on a cloud listening to angels play harps.

But as the collins elite example shows, take that basic idea and filter it through local superstition and the result is a wholly negative inflamation of their native insanity.

That woman would push the big red button in a heartbeat if she thought in doing so she could best serve her god, that doing so would thwart the demons
Thing is Mike/everyone, I don't care what disclosure might do to that lunatic woman - if she can't handle it, tough.

The irony is that many of the first settlers of the new world were escaping religious persecution. Every time I see the word disclosure I'm haunted by that wacky woman, Sarah Palin types, bible-belt prayer clubs and pentecostal snake wielders LOL
And when you consider the common incidence of us barely sentient simians blowing each other up over what to call god, and what buildings he preferes to dwell in, can you imagine how these people would look on the first ET embassy ?

If we happily kill each other over the name of the essentially same (fictional) entity, Any ET who says, we never found a god in our travels will make terrestrial infidels look like small change
I think Steven Bassett and Greer are in the wrong country to pursue initiatives that will yield results. The conservative resistance and deep canyon between liberals and conservatives in the US will make it impossible. Just look at stem-cell research, Obama reversed the ban. Jeb Bush gets elected in a few years and you're back to square one.

Its no secret that the republican party has a serious evangelical infection and you can be sure that people like that demented woman in the video are not fans of Obama ;)

Make no mistake, the mindset displayed in that video is more common than you think. Evangelical lobbies are a powerful force in America and will immediately associate UFOlogy with 'dark-sided' stuff. (I think I heard her say dork-sided lmao).

Hallelujah rofl
Wow!:eek: Crazy video! Now that is what I call social conditioning. That type of person will never see the light of day. People need to open their minds in order for disclosure to be possible. How can we reach disclosure, or expect Governments to disclose, when legions of people like that are kicking around out there? We gotta long ways to go before the fat lady sings. Ha! At least there is an attempt to make a change(Citizens Hearing) in Ufology and the way people view it.
Wow!:eek: Crazy video! Now that is what I call social conditioning. That type of person will never see the light of day. People need to open their minds in order for disclosure to be possible. How can we reach disclosure, or expect Governments to disclose, when legions of people like that are kicking around out there? We gotta long ways to go before the fat lady sings. Ha! At least there is an attempt to make a change(Citizens Hearing) in Ufology and the way people view it.


You want results in America then you need lobbies on this scale:
Pew Center Reviews Religious Lobbies/Advocacy | America Magazine

More than 210 organizations are engaged in religious lobbying or religion-related advocacy in Washington, D.C., a fivefold increase over the last 40 years, according to a new report, "Lobbying for the Faithful," from the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life. Collectively the groups employ at least 1,000 people in the greater Washington area and spend at least $390 million a year on efforts to influence national public policy.
Now that sounds like a lot of souls spending a lot of dough, but the religious-related advocates are often working at cross purposes and their numbers represent a comparatively tiny fraction of the legions of lobbyists and advocates in Washington. In 2010 there were almost 13,000 registered lobbyists working in Washington’s $3.51 billion industry.

What would Bassett do with $390 million a year :D ? I got a funny feeling that you can only get disclosure with hard cash and why is that not a surprise... :rolleyes: