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DIY Space Exploration / UFO Research

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belligerently ignored since 2011
A small request - I am trying to put together a testable "meaningful" and repeatable hypothesis for ETI / Aerial phenomenon. In someways it is a DIY / open source science project. I would very much like to know your ideas- what would you test for if you could, where would you start? Please leave me a msg here on this thread or comment at http://gemini-13.blogspot.com/ It is greatly appreciated. I do understand I am pretty new here- and this may seem a little spammy- so just comment or pm me if you want. I am serious about moving this aspect forward- waiting around for "disclosure" is over rated and reading gov documents is something like stamp collecting- (which of course, there is nothing wrong with) It just seems that we could be doing much more- and "be" much more active than passive. thank you in advance!
After nearly two months, and no one has responded! Wow! Even the more skeptical minded could have given hints or what nots- Obviously, this does not bode well, for both the kool-aid drinkers and the "self proclaimed" skeptical minded. Perhaps, this is coming off a bit rash, perhaps even arrogant, (presumptions too) but, when someone innocently throws a question out there (and this hadn't been the only forum, in which it was posed) and is belligerently ignored... it does lead one to believe that most of you out there are mindless consumers and or armchair de-bunkers with no real interest in actually getting to the bottom of anything..

oh, well.... the rant is over- I'll be just getting on in my own way, and perhaps I will write a book about what I have learned and sell back to ya'll.

Gemini 13: Ministry of Defense UAP statistics. (overview)
Perhaps, this is coming off a bit rash, perhaps even arrogant, (presumptions too) but, when someone innocently throws a question out there (and this hadn't been the only forum, in which it was posed) and is belligerently ignored... it does lead one to believe that most of you out there are mindless consumers and or armchair de-bunkers with no real interest in actually getting to the bottom of anything..

Brilliant! So you have been belligerently ignored. Can one do this in complete (ah-hem) ignorance I wonder? Perhaps you have been merely benignly overlooked instead.

The only falsifiable UFO hypothesis I've seen is in the last chapter The UFO Phenomenon: Fact, Fantasy and Disinformation by John Michael Greer. I don't have my copy with me at the moment.
Well, I woke up that day and I thought to myself. Myself I said if a dude named Justin even speaks to me today I'm gonna be beligerent at best and ignore the hell out him at worse. Don't even ask me what I told myself about people named Todd that day. :p

Wherever you go...there you are!:cool:
Now I feel the love :) And, as a matter a fact friendly observed. Thanks for the hint, and I will look it up (find a copy somewhere)

As an aside, what I am looking at right now, are the numbers the MOD released in 2010. It is interesting (the raw data that is) that there was such a huge increase in sightings between 1977 and 1978. Of note about these years are the facts that Star Wars and Close Encounters, were released, two popes died and a new one elected and the stealth fighter was being test flown.

Pretty sure these have something to do with the doubling of sightings between these two years.

Anyway, I no longer feel belligerently ignored. ;)

(going to update my profile to actually have that as my tag line)
Hello Justin. I applaud your drive to investigate. What kinds of research ideas do you have? Investigating most any phenomenon requires time, specialized resources, and money. Be sure you have those covered before you jump in. If you would like to discuss your ideas, please feel free to message me.
Going to this first post, which was here before me and I just now saw, one thing I'd want to take a look at is unusual aerial lights as seen by a high-speed camera.
Brilliant! So you have been belligerently ignored. Can one do this in complete (ah-hem) ignorance I wonder? Perhaps you have been merely benignly overlooked instead.

The only falsifiable UFO hypothesis I've seen is in the last chapter The UFO Phenomenon: Fact, Fantasy and Disinformation by John Michael Greer. I don't have my copy with me at the moment.

Hey there train ... I fall into the benignly overlooked category. I just found this thread today and read the blog link. As with many well intentioned enthusiasts, it's another good idea, but I fear that it could easily become yet another target for allegations of pseudoscience. Unless the people involved are going to abide by accepted scientific standards, with the backing and resources of the scientific community. If they can get that, then they should make their role informal, and start looking for the evidence that would facilitate genuine scientific analysis. Then if they should they find any, get real independent scientists to do the analysis. By putting science to work this way, they would be providing meaningful work for them rather than competition, plus the results would be less biased.
