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DMR Archive Table

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aka Arlen Royal Woods
I'm a late comer to DMR and I'm enjoying catching up immensely. Especially enjoying shows on lunar anomaly and finding lot's of other fascinating shows.

If this isn't possible or this is the hundredth time someone has bugged you about it or you just don't want to do it, I apologize, but I was wondering if your web master could add a column down the left hand side of the table labeled WEEKS and put the week number for each row in it. I'm finding it a bit cumbersome to locate shows by week number and day, especially since the table doesn't start with week 1, so counting up from the bottom doesn't work unless you know to start with 6. It might make the archive more accessible for those of us who are coming in late, or who's brains are just getting to old to adapt. I figure this would be a simpler enhancement than referencing dates in the table.

Just a suggestion.
Keep up the good work Don.

Hi and glad to hear you are enjoying the programs.

CyberstationUSA carries not just DMR but a lot of other programs. They handle the archives and I am not sure where you have been going for the shows but if you go here .. Dark Matter's Radio - Downloads the days are listed by day, show and so forth. Most recent are on top. Also, CyberstationUSA is currently setting up a brand new website with each show ( of course DMR will be there) have their own page and link to show archives.

Hope this helps and appreciate your comments!


Hi and glad to hear you are enjoying the programs.

CyberstationUSA carries not just DMR but a lot of other programs. They handle the archives and I am not sure where you have been going for the shows but if you go here .. Dark Matter's Radio - Downloads the days are listed by day, show and so forth. Most recent are on top. Also, CyberstationUSA is currently setting up a brand new website with each show ( of course DMR will be there) have their own page and link to show archives.

Hope this helps and appreciate your comments!


Hey Don I have an idea :exclamation:

Later on today I wilil make a Dark Matters Archive at Podfeed.net or PodcastDirectory etc

I have all the shows already downloaded

All I need to do is create a Dark Matters account for Podbean and upload all them with details of date etc?

what do you think?

this might help the people wanting to download
and get you more listeners

is this something you think is ok to do? I can put a link directly to Cyberstation and make sure it directs people right to Cyberstation

---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------

Don also you really need a simple website. I know you like blog style websites, but in my opinion a better designed website would help people navigate your show alot.

---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------

Ha check this out there already is a Dark Matters archive from 2006 with some older DM shows http://www.podfeed.net/podcast/Dark+Matters+Radio+Show+with+Don+Ecker/7387

guess the guy who created it forgot about it
Unfortunately those older shows links are dead . A shame as I really wanted to hear the Donna Hare one !! :-(