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DMR on August 12th

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In a turn-around episode of DMR, Monday August 12th I host Mr. Gene Steinberg on Dark Matters Radio. Gene has an even longer run in UFO/paranormal areas than I do. Going back to the 1950's thru today, I intend to ask Gene his thoughts on where we've been, where we are now and what does he think the future holds for the field? Only on CyberstationUSA starting at 10:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time. Go to CyberStationUSA - An Innovation in Online Broadcasting | CyberStationUSA.com Be there or be square!

As I have mentioned, Gene is my guest tonight. What questions do any of you have? Now is your chance to get them in ahead of time.

Your turn ... GO!

Questions for both:

  • Do either of you have any remaining doubts that Earth has been host to alien craft? And to be clear about what "alien craft" means, I mean a material vehicle from beyond the constructs of global human civilization including any secret manmade projects, possibly but not necessarily ET.
  • If yes, why do you still not believe?
  • If no, was there a definitive moment or sequence of events that you can share that finally convinced you?
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Gene, do you expect to ever write a book on the UFO topic?

What are your favourite cases, the cases that re-enforce your conviction that the UFO phenomenon is real?

Do you believe there is a 'bigfoot' creature in North America?

What are your thoughts on the Sherman (Skinwalker) ranch?

Who are you desperate to get on the Paracast for the first time?

What is your opinion of Dr Steven Greer, Head trainer for Galactic Ambassadorship, Friend of the Friendly Greys, Taker of the Gullible?
Call in second half when Don opens lines. Talk over the phone to Gene 818-381-4674

I'd love to phone in to Don's show but it's just too late over here unfortunately. I have to rely on guys like yourself and Ward to do the talking! And a good job you guys do too.
Still around Ryan.

Just came in from the second night of watching the perseid meteor shower. So amazing. It wasn't 100 hour like they said it might be, but listening to star gazing music (mostly Vangelis) it didn't matter.

I heard the Sunday Paracast show just before Don went live so it has a double header for me tonight.

I was lurking tonight and heard the show live and liked your Questions Ryan and Stephens, some good questions from the Paracast forums as well .

Your question to Gene got me thinking, this mindless 3-5 year upgrade cycle for computers is just getting stupid.

Maybe we will go the way for portable for everyday and desktop for the "heavy lifting" as Gene said.

Fun show as always Don and Gene!
Call in this Friday Ward and give an update. I am going to be out of town this weekend and probably next. Someone has to call or Don and Rich will sit there talking to each other which is fine but it would be nice to get more callers. I am getting burnt out on being just 1 of 3 wo calle there used to be more. Not that it bothers me I just dont have much more to say LOL. I think its downloaded by 95% of listeners though.
The DMR show ...
  • Gene, I think that when Chris does his Trickster laugh, you should seriously ( or not so seriously ) consider responding with your Boris Karloff impersonation.
  • Don, the Corso commentary was interesting. Please keep us informed regarding the money inquiry and any possible connection to Birnes!
  • The Ingo Swan stuff I see as overrated, but then again I'm really skeptical of the whole remote viewing scene.
  • Outsourcing UFO evidence to private contractors might explain some things, but doesn't take into account real time military monitoring.
  • Good show. I also liked Gene's comments on the big stall in space exploration. Maybe Curiosity will find something worth competing for and we'll end up in another Space Race.
  • With a little seemingly unintentional help from Don, Gene managed to dodge my question ... maybe someday ;) .