DANG Careful what you wish for, dude... Just lick that frog and slowly back away, OK?
Maybe finding, breeding & milking an "Army of (
bufo alvarius) Frogs" is a better way to maximize your commercial aspirations?
heh-heh good screenplay: Geeky psycho-stoner dude raises an "army of frogs" that he milks of their pure DMT and uses the substance to create a cultural [fill in the blank]. The purity of compound, combined with a willful agenda results in an emerging psycho-counter culture finding themselves fulfilling roles in a DMT-generated follywood soap opera (w/ conspiratorial overtones). [fill in the blanks]. Then, when the froggies movement is smashed, the PTB freak when the thousands of DMT frogs escape to burrow into the mud flats of the Potomac. They've been genetically-modified to be predatory and seek out specific victims to rub their DMT-laden sweat agenda on the unsuspecting victims to [fill in the blanks].....