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Does anybody remember seeing this on TV?

Free episodes:

Creepy Green Light

Paranormal Adept
It was an experiment they did (maybe on Discover/History Channel etc.?) where they took a bunch of random people out in the desert (they were in New Mexico) for a "desert tour". Unbeknownst to the tour guests, there was Army personnel along with yellow "police tape", crash debris, stretchers, etc. (all staged). The tour guide acted as if they didn't know this was out there. They acted startled and told the people on the tour that they should probably not be there blah blah.

Once they got back to the building they started in, the people that went on the tour were interviewed separately to give their account of what they saw. The point of this entire exercise was to show how poor eye witness testimony is. They would ask a woman "How many Army soldiers did you see?" If there was 4, maybe she said there were 2. Asked if they had guns she would say yes, where meanwhile they had no guns (when they were giving their answers, they would flash back to the actual scene so you can see where the soldiers had no guns but you hear the woman's voice saying there were guns, etc.)

Anyway - that's an example of how it went. I've seen it twice of the last 15 years or so but I can't seem to find it. If anybody knows what I am talking about, I'd appreciate it if you can supply a link. Thank you :)