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It's there now. For some reason the image was duplicated?It appears we don't have that attachment.
There is only one dragon-queen of the field. If you even hick-up something different than her line of thinking, YOU are the enemy and she will attempt to destroy you professionally and publicly while she stabs you in the back w/ a soulless smile. Take it from someone who knows! There have been several other women that have taken on UFO/Cattle mutilation research and investigation (Gail Staehlin and Jean Bilideaux come to mind). They are sweet, low-key, team-playing ladies--not Machavellian, snaky carreerists bent on riches and world-domination. And you can quote me...In defense of Mrs. Howe, she is an intelligent, gutsy lady. How many women would take on investigating cattle mutilations and UFOs?
Can someone justify my utter dislike (typed hatred first ) for David Wilcock again? Other then him claiming to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce ?
Dragon Lady. Hmm, it's not just the eyebrows, she does look reptilian!There is only one dragon-queen of the field. If you even hick-up something different than her line of thinking, YOU are the enemy and she will attempt to destroy you professionally and publicly while she stabs you in the back w/ a soulless smile. Take it from someone who knows! There have been several other women that have taken on UFO/Cattle mutilation research and investigation (Gail Staehlin and Jean Bilideaux come to mind). They are sweet, low-key, team-playing ladies--not Machavellian, snaky carreerists bent on riches and world-domination. And you can quote me...
No, Wilcock didn't receive the death threat directly---the threat was evidently relayed to him third-hand! Ooo SCARY!Are you up on his latest drama? He allegedly burst into tears on Kerry Cassidy's radio show after reportedly receiving death threats from the Illuminati or some such for something he wrote on his blog.
Put some names to them then lads, havent a clue who most of them are.