Obviously, the fact that this happened under the influence of a chemical, and not ever at any other time, kinda pretty much says it was the drugs!
Well yes, the chemical substance acted as a catalyst causing changes in brain processes. A sharp blow to the head or neurological illness can sometimes produce the same kind of thing. That is what I meant by a chemically fueled reality rendering engine. Changing the physical parameters of the mechanism through chemistry causes it to process information differently than normal; releasing some inhibitors, enforcing others, and causing the
end product of consciousness to manifest in a nonstandard manner.
But at the same time, to go through something that was about 3.5 days long, but have memories of at least 4 weeks of intense stuff, I really find it hard to believe that my brain could create so well at such an astounding rate!
You have to remember that the sense of time passing is just as much a brain generated
effect as anything else in consciousness.
Nothing I can say to anyone else can convey the whole majesty of it and I can just sympathise with anyone who has had a similar experience believing that what happened was 'a key to another dimension' etc and of course from the outside the only answer is that 'drugs can surprise even the most open of minds'.
You are describing the source of all religious experience. I think one thing that is important to realize and from your first sentence, ("I do think the brain is just organic, chemical mush which creates for whatever intelligence is, a picture of what our senses take in." ) it seems that you do and that is, "That bit you think is experiencing all this, that bit is just as much a product of the chemical mush of the brain as the things it is experiencing." Therefore, when the brain is altered in such a manner that it begins processing abnormally, the
silent observer, the
awaress, or however you want to express it, is fundamentally altered as well. For substances to somehow open the mind to
actual alternate realities, as opposed to creating them whole-cloth, it seems to me that this silent observer would have to remain unaltered. It isn't though, nor could it be.
It is light-years ahead of what you think in it's ability to comprehend and create
The human mind is incredibly creative and complex beyond what the sub-process we understand as
our awareness can contain. It is another case of the subset being incapable of comprehending (describing) the super-set to which it belongs.
I acknowledge that our senses and brain/mind systems are only capable of presenting a
representation of what is in the real world around us and therefore there is much that we cannot know about the true nature of reality that constitutes the superset. So I have room in my world view for strange anomalous phenomena and other
realities (so to speak) but I have to acknowledge that we are restricted by the performance characteristics of the perceptual apparatus of our central nervous system.
I think it gets back to the notion that the whole of reality (as it is experienced) is contained within the individual and that we are actually invisible immaterial beings creating (through the same mechanism that creates and manifests dreams and hallucinations) what we casually percieve as
the real world and ourselves in it from information gathered by our senses of the invisible, immaterial reality that we exist within.