I suppose it is the same thing when 'preachers' like Harold Camping predict the end of the world, more than once, and are proven wrong. For some reason that is probably unknowable to the rest of us, supporters and followers of these people don't seem to hold grudges, in fact they seem just to be waiting to be told another new pile of shit, happily sitting there with open mouths making gagging noises which translate to, 'please shovel some more crap into me, I love it.'
The Roswell slides weren't Jaimme's first foray into outright crap - he had that little monkey thing he tried to pass off as an alien. There will have been more too no doubt.
Thing that bothers me is that Jaimme has a massive audience, a weekly TV show and a genuine interest in UFOs. He shouldn't need to get involved with fakes and hoaxes because there is more than enough credible stuff to look at.
I don't think he is a bad person, I don't think he is anywhere near like Steven Greer but it is impossible to escape the fact he just seems to like being a showman with the next great freakshow event for the public to gawk at.
Bottom line is, I don't think Jaimme is even close to the worst person in Ufology, I have much better candidates personally but he is also a person no-one should go near if they want any truth in this field. He has gone from a brilliant Mexican campaigning journalist with a fascination for UFOs and the strange, and he's turned himself into a sideshow freak, like the ones he likes to show off.