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Dwarf Village

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I say we send the drones and nuke them all.

How dare they...look at them all dwarfy and stuff, parading around in their cute little dwarf outfits.
Makes me sick...Sick I tell ya! :mad:

It makes me want to go there, put on a gorilla suit, and rampage through the city. I'll snatch a little-chick and climb the tallest structure and wait for the little bi-planes with mini-guns to come. This is how I wish to meet my end.
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I say we send the drones and nuke them all.
They can make a bomb called "Little Boy, Jr."

The "Dwarf Threat" has passed under the radar for far too long.
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It makes me want to go there, put on a gorilla suit, and rampage through the city. I'll snatch a little-chick and climb the tallest structure and wait for the little bi-planes with mini-guns to come. This is how I wish to meet my end.
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The village needs more MOTHRA!
Bless their little shoes. I wonder if they go about their day in song and dance?
They do, until you piss them off...then out comes the fire-brigade. No, really...they have a fire-brigade.
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Wow man its really very beautiful village but will they allow us to enter into that village.....

I say we leave them a "gift" at the village gates... And than take care of business under the cover of the night... hehe he.
