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Paranormal Adept
An Ebola patient has been transferred into the US from Africa and is currently in Atlanta.

I just heard about this yesterday on NPR after seeing a 'Frontline' report over the weekend about an Ebola outbreak at the NIH in Washington D.C. Or I thought that's what I saw - I thought it was about an Ebola outbreak at the NIH. What was reported was quite detailed regarding the speed of transmission and how much is unknown about how this transmission happened. I know I saw this show this past weekend and yet I cannot access it, either on the Frontline web side or anywhere. What? Have I just done a 'time-slip'?

Then I hear about the patient coming into Atlanta and it being very much downplayed as not a risk. How can this be if NIH had to build a whole new unit to contain the ebola?

BTW I want to be clear that I am not against this patient coming into Atlanta. The patient may be an American doctor who contracted the virus in Africa - not sure on that - and they may have brought him in for research purposes. I just think a bit more openness would be nice - and yet, isn't this exactly the kind of thing that people panic about?

I have an historical knowledge of the social impacts of the Black Death that ravaged Europe in the Middle Ages. From what I am hearing Ebola has all the earmarks of that other plague's ability to break down societal bonds. The Black Death was horrific from a societal point of view.

Ebola – What You’re Not Being Told

LINK: Ebola – What You’re Not Being Told | Conscious Media News

TEXT: "Though the method of transmission in the study was not officially determined, one of the scientists involved, Dr. Gary Kobinger, from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, told BBC News that he believed that the infection was spread through large droplets that were suspended in the air.

“What we suspect is happening is large droplets; they can stay in the air, but not long; they don’t go far,” he explained. “But they can be absorbed in the airway, and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way.”

Translation: Ebola IS an airborne virus.

UPDATE: Someone pointed out that in medical terms, if the virus is transferred through tiny droplets in the air this would technically not be called an “airborne virus”. Airborne, in medical terms would mean that the virus has the ability to stay alive without a liquid carrier. On one hand this is a question of semantics, and the point is well taken, but keep in mind that the study did not officially determine how the virus traveled through the air, it merely established that it does travel through the air. Doctor Kobinger’s hypothesis regarding droplets of liquid is just that, a hypothesis. For the average person however what needs to be understood is very simple: if you are in a room with someone infected with Ebola, you are not safe, even if you never touch them or their bodily fluids, and this is not what you are being told by the mainstream media. Essentially I am using the word “airborne” as a layman term (which kind of makes sense, since I am a layman in this field). "

Ebola - What You're Not Being Told | The Paracast Community Forums

I wouldn't argue with the semantics but the poster of that video didn't go to great lengths, actually he didn't go to ANY lengths to point out that disclaimer at the end of the story like you did.

It may be that there are all kinds of bugs that are floating around there that are technically airborne because of the very fact that are out there floating around , but the threat of airborne ebola or even Marburg or Lassa both of which are pretty nasty in the own right, has never been dismissed, in fact that's what everyone is worried about but when and if it happens I think they'll let us know, I am not concerned about any cover up here, why bring up the point of the concern of airborne contagion then cover it up if it happens. This guy acts like he stumbled across some big conspiracy but isn't posting anything helpful imho.
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Until these buggers truly do go airborne I'm saving my concern for the currently unsexy known bird flu viruses.
Oh. Sorry.

@Tyger You do know I wasn't referring to you right ? I meant the guy who posted that video he didn't put out that disclaimer like you did, that was my point, he used the word shoddy reporting when he was just as guilty of shoddiness.
@Tyger You do know I wasn't referring to you right ? I meant the guy who posted that video he didn't put out that disclaimer like you did, that was my point, he used the word shoddy reporting when he was just as guilty of shoddiness.

I meant sorry to have duplicated another thread. :(

Actually the disclaimer/update is part of the article. I was quoting the article.
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The thing is this current outbreak, given the incubation period probably dates late. Feb Early March as far as patient zero. AFAIK it was first confirmed late March .i posted December in the other post..i don't know where I got that but I was pretty shoddy in my own right, apologies all. But I just think that there may be other mundane reasons why these numbers are so bad given the time frame , more to do with demographics and consumption of pigs and Bush meat that was infected. Being tbat it can go airborne from pigs to monkeys there is arguably more hosts out there waiting to be consumed. Also just general crowded unsanitary living conditions and handling of food sources where pigs and monkeys are still on the menu The pig to monkey vector i reckon makes it a damned good reason to be worried but as i mentioned this fear has never been dismissed. I don't know how long it would take to make that connection so there could be that confirmation is waiting in the wings

But because this is a concern my guess is all these shoddy reporters are bringing it up and are being told otherwise because I can't see any good reason for anybody to be sitting on it. The poster of the video must think that everyone sitting around with their thumbs up their asses. It did occur to me though that the original source the caveats at the end were from a older report and thus were talking about in the now (November 2012) and in a way wouldn't really be revelant So there is room for uneasiness, so perhaps I am being too judgemental on the guy.
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@Tyger You do know I wasn't referring to you right ? I meant the guy who posted that video he didn't put out that disclaimer like you did, that was my point, he used the word shoddy reporting when he was just as guilty of shoddiness.

Storm Clouds Gathering is his name and he has been guilty of that before.