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Electro gravitics & UFO propulsion

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Awesome concepts !

If I was a gambler I'd put a few chips on the idea that the US government has invested heavily in those ideas. A working proof of concept electrogravitic craft potentially opens a lot of doors.

The missing link is the energy source. A compact nuclear fusion reactor ?

Could part of the UFO phenomena be due to privately funded experiments by rogue scientists working beyond the limitations of accepted physics ? If the patent office is really a barrier to the development of creative working solutions that cannot be validated by current physics then I think we have our answer ;)
I'd need to go check on a few things but I seem to remember reading that in the 1940/50's there was plenty open research into alternative propulsion for aircraft, including electrogravitics.
This open research apparently just stopped and was no longer published. I find it hard to believe that in a time of so much discovery such as the 1950's that science would give up on something so easily because they weren't getting instant results.

I find it very plausible that some avenues of research were shown to be very promising and the possible implications were not lost on the military industrial complex, who could have stepped in and bought out such research and made it classified. Most countries have laws that allow their military to classify research with defence significance and any anti-gravity ideas would certainly qualify.

I also think it likely that part of the reason it is hard to get the government to admit such research is that it is indeed in private hands and falls outside of the normal access to such information.

If you accept that some UFOs are solid craft capable of anti-gravity and you accept some parts of private industry or the military believe this also, it is then inconceivable that research into these areas would not be going on!
While it is hard to doubt that a great deal of time money have and are probably now going into anti-gravity and alternate types of propulsion you have to wonder why we haven't seen its practical application. We are still using rockets to get things into space. If real progress has been made you have to wonder why someone isn't trying to make some money off of it or using it to subdue other nations. Know what I mean? Are we waiting for the Chinese to attack us before we whip out the black flying saucers?
Another possibility is that electrogravitics may have unlocked capabilities that are a quantum leap beyond our current tech. Thus part of our civilization (elites?) has branched out.
Begs the question: What happens when a new tech sees the light and the cultural framework is not compatible with it ?

Are there any classified technologies under that stamp. If so, who is exploring these new environments ? Are we left in the dark for a reason ?

The technological advancements and basic research after world war II were exponential... up to a point. Fraudulent exercises like the blue book project sealed the lid on the exotics... and area 51 never existed. ;)
My reasoning for the fact we are not seeing any evidence of advanced propulsion tech (kind that would power a classic flying saucer) when it may actually be under development right now is as follows:

I going to assume that the tech that would allow a 30' disk to perform as UFOs are often reported as performing, would need a novel power source. The kind of power source that would make existing sources obsolete almost overnight.

If such a power source was revealed as possible then every modern country in the world would go mad trying to copy it. The global dependence on petrochemicals would change so quickly that economies would be in real danger of free-fall.

Overnight, the ways the powerful of this world make their money and stay in power would fall apart. These are the same people who would be behind any efforts that produced such a tech.
They would be shooting themselves in the foot if they were to reveal the tech and I think it is precisely the same reason that governments will not admit the existence of non man-made UFOs.

The only way to deal with letting this secret out, if it exists, would be to hint at it nearer the end of world oil supplies, and attempt to trickle it out to coincide with the natural loss of the petroleum technology infrastructure.

I believe the above reason is also powerful enough for an advanced military to NOT use any such tech in a war right now, even if it were to afford a distinct military advantage.

I fully expect the worlds energy giants to be looking at advanced power sources right now, in preparation for the future when petrochemicals are too scarce to fuel the economies that they fuel at the moment.
It would be remiss of these companies not to be prepared for the inevitable decline in their income from fossil fuels.
Another possibility and this ties in with structures on the moon story, is this
If you found all this technology on the moon but had no way to bring it back, the best thing to do is cover the truth up until you could. You want to keep this treasure trove to yourself, you'd have no way to force another nation to stay away, given the distance and environment.
To let the cat out of the bag is to encourage the other nations to chase the prize.

As for using this stuff to win wars...... Winning a war isnt the goal, waging it is.

The profit for the arms industry is in the waging, not the winning.

Néstor Kirchner, former president of Argentina, revealed in an interview with Oliver Stone for the director’s documentary “South of the Border” that former US president George W. Bush was convinced that war was the way to grow the US economy

He said the best way to revitalize the economy is war. And that the United States has grown stronger with war.
Kirchner: Bush angrily said War would Grow US Economy | Informed Comment

If this technology could win wars, thats the very reason why they would not use it, in addition you telegraph proof of concept to the chinese and russians who will eventually (as they did with the nuke), steal or copy the plans and build their own.
Exactly! Waging war is the purpose. And there is always someplace on earth that is ripe to cajole into war. I am sickened when I see where our governments decide to go and help say, fighters in the Libyan revolution saying it is justified. But there are other places on earth that we do not step in to at all, no matter what terrible things are done in these places.
There are dictators, wars, corruption in these places but we do not get involved. The reason? there is nothing in those countries we want. Everywhere we are involved with has some intrinsic value to us and that is why we intervene in those countries.
My reasoning for the fact we are not seeing any evidence of advanced propulsion tech (kind that would power a classic flying saucer) when it may actually be under development right now is as follows:

I going to assume that the tech that would allow a 30' disk to perform as UFOs are often reported as performing, would need a novel power source. The kind of power source that would make existing sources obsolete almost overnight.

If such a power source was revealed as possible then every modern country in the world would go mad trying to copy it. The global dependence on petrochemicals would change so quickly that economies would be in real danger of free-fall.

Overnight, the ways the powerful of this world make their money and stay in power would fall apart.

That's just common sense, discovering a technology that could instantly replace what is at the core of our current economic framework would immediately produce a damaging shockwave to the infrastructure and destroy the empires built on it. The first victims would be oil producing countries, refiners and vast distribution networks that feed the planet with petroleum-based products.
A Brief History of Rubber

It doesn't take too much imagination to figure out that the pressure to keep the current model intact is phenomenal.

On July 16, 1945 Truman tested a top secret project which triggered the paradigm shift that resulted in the cold war. From that point on it was clear that a WWIII would lead to mutual self-destruction. What is also clear is that non-disclosure of new technologies is also a strategic advantage to any super power.

Keeping a few paradigm shifts ahead of your competition provides security, stability and resilience. We potentially may already have effective solutions to the energy problems but they may be held back based on strategic rationale. Releasing these solutions at this time may give hints to the competition on what research direction a nation has taken.

Another reason for maintaining the current model is that it gives superpowers time to explore and exploit paradigm shifts. Ex: If I suddenly had the capability to covertly explore and colonize the solar system with some new transport system, I'd set up camp all over the place before the Russians and Chinese got there.

A good strategy.... set up a base camp on Mars, send your team there to continue the expansion to the rest of the solar system. Best way to guarantee non-disclosure of your project lol. They can't come back since their bone structure will adapt to the lower gravity.. (Unless we can create artificial gravity to match the earths...)

Guess we'll never know for sure unless the earth faces a critical challenge.