Skilled Investigator
One aspect of the paranormal that’s got a special place in my heart is elemental encounters, especially modern day ones. There is in my opinion something profoundly intriguing with modern day people crossing paths with leprechauns, gnomes, fairies, elves and what have you. Nothing peaks my interest like hearing recounts of credible people having seen a good old grumpy “tomte” or some such being.
Needless to say it made my day when I listened to a woman recounting the time when she was out in the woods picking blueberries, and almost stumbled upon a little group of little people who were jumping up and down waving their tiny arms in apparent distress. She said she got the impression that they wanted to have the blueberries in this particular spot to themselves, so subsequently she carefully backed away, and a bit shaken went on with her berry picking in other parts of the forest.
One might easily presume, upon hearing this little story, that she was also picking peculiar mushrooms, and having just sampled a specimen prior to her encounter hallucinated the whole episode. I can however assure you that such an assumption would be wrong, as she clearly were not the hippie type.
Some pass off these types of phenomena as folklore – a remnant from the not so distant past when people sat in their candlelit houses telling fanciful stories after a hard day’s work in the field. A time when superstitious belief in the supernatural was a perfectly natural part in one’s daily life. After all with people living so close to nature and being so dependent on it for survival, maybe it’s perfectly natural for them to develop a relationship in which one “animates” the environment?
Some furthermore argue that it was a time when people were simpleminded, albeit hardworking farmers, not yet having had the grace of being illuminated by the scientific way of viewing the surrounding world. Some go on to say it was inevitable that these simple folk were bound to conjure up all manner of exciting fantasies and encounters just to pass the time and simultaneously making sense of perfectly natural phenomena.
I guess this way of describing early encounters of elemental- type beings has its merits. True to a certain extent at least, but at the same time also a terrible underestimation of our forefathers, and their handle on reality. Doing both them and us a great disservice in the process. And besides, people report seeing these types of beings to this day. In essence a phenomenon that can’t readily be dismissed as old stories.
Today this topic seems to me to be even more of a laughing matter than ufo encounters, not to say the least among ufologists. Naturally (and thankfully) there are great exceptions, with independent and creative thinking theorists like Vallee, Keel, O’Brien and others that have been willing to take the phenomenon seriously and also at the same time be willing to interpret and incorporate it within a wider perspective of the paranormal.
So what is your take on the elemental type encounters, past and contemporary?
Are they no more than the results of vivid imaginations? Or are they archetypal manifestations of our subconscious? Different life forms living alongside us hidden from our sight? Aliens (ET) in disguise? Interdimensionals? Ultraterrestrials? Or is it perhaps the trickster’s manifestations? Perhaps some type of manifestations of the natural world (earth) itself?
Needless to say it made my day when I listened to a woman recounting the time when she was out in the woods picking blueberries, and almost stumbled upon a little group of little people who were jumping up and down waving their tiny arms in apparent distress. She said she got the impression that they wanted to have the blueberries in this particular spot to themselves, so subsequently she carefully backed away, and a bit shaken went on with her berry picking in other parts of the forest.
One might easily presume, upon hearing this little story, that she was also picking peculiar mushrooms, and having just sampled a specimen prior to her encounter hallucinated the whole episode. I can however assure you that such an assumption would be wrong, as she clearly were not the hippie type.
Some pass off these types of phenomena as folklore – a remnant from the not so distant past when people sat in their candlelit houses telling fanciful stories after a hard day’s work in the field. A time when superstitious belief in the supernatural was a perfectly natural part in one’s daily life. After all with people living so close to nature and being so dependent on it for survival, maybe it’s perfectly natural for them to develop a relationship in which one “animates” the environment?
Some furthermore argue that it was a time when people were simpleminded, albeit hardworking farmers, not yet having had the grace of being illuminated by the scientific way of viewing the surrounding world. Some go on to say it was inevitable that these simple folk were bound to conjure up all manner of exciting fantasies and encounters just to pass the time and simultaneously making sense of perfectly natural phenomena.
I guess this way of describing early encounters of elemental- type beings has its merits. True to a certain extent at least, but at the same time also a terrible underestimation of our forefathers, and their handle on reality. Doing both them and us a great disservice in the process. And besides, people report seeing these types of beings to this day. In essence a phenomenon that can’t readily be dismissed as old stories.
Today this topic seems to me to be even more of a laughing matter than ufo encounters, not to say the least among ufologists. Naturally (and thankfully) there are great exceptions, with independent and creative thinking theorists like Vallee, Keel, O’Brien and others that have been willing to take the phenomenon seriously and also at the same time be willing to interpret and incorporate it within a wider perspective of the paranormal.
So what is your take on the elemental type encounters, past and contemporary?
Are they no more than the results of vivid imaginations? Or are they archetypal manifestations of our subconscious? Different life forms living alongside us hidden from our sight? Aliens (ET) in disguise? Interdimensionals? Ultraterrestrials? Or is it perhaps the trickster’s manifestations? Perhaps some type of manifestations of the natural world (earth) itself?