Please forgive me for sometimes being a bit lazy in checking all old threads, but, has anyone brought up the idea that, being very intelligent, and sometimes wise as well, that our ET visitors(neighbors?) sometimes exhibit what I consider a vital component of any sentient being recognized as being intelligent and/or wise: a strong sense of humor. After seeing so many stories of our aircraft, especially the military, trying to chase UFOs, I seriously wonder if some of those chases were triggered by our ETs as an entertaining thing to do after many hours or days of studying us wierd humans. Maybe there are l-o-n-g distance tours to our Earth to look in on these beings who think they're so supremely smart. Maybe they've already been "caught" doing that, basically laughing at us. And our all-powerful bigwigs in Wash. DC will do anything to keep the world from knowing they've been laughed at by truly more powerful beings. Just a thought....:redface: