old nutsack
This years Coachella is now officially in the books for me. 2010 was not my favorite (2005 or 2006), but it was certainly better than last year. Anyway, I am telling you all this, because during Thom Yorke's set there was a beautiful blue light dancing around in the sky beyond the stage. It almost seemed to be zig-zagging to the music, it was amazing. About 50 people commented about it and this Australian man who oddly enough claims to Ben Grundy from Mysterious Universe (Only at Coachella would such a random encounter happen) took a few pictures of it, and I believe a video too. We exchanged emails, and he said he is going to send them my way. It verywell could have been an errant lazer from the show, but it was very far off and dissapered after a few minutes, who knows, it was cool as hell anyway. What a great place to see my first UFO!!!. I will be sure to post the pics once i receive the Australian man's email.