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Evora, Portugal UFO and "Angel Hair"

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Paranormal Novice
Does anyone know of any other instances of this "Angel hair" that has been sampled and analysed in connection with UFO sightings? Surely if we could get some of this stuff into the hands of legitimate researchers and analysts it could prove to be very significant?
While I cannot give you any particular occurances you will find some more mentions of this type event in Jerome Clark"s Unnatural Phenomena: A Guide to the Bizarre Wonders of North America, Jim Brandon's Weird America and Charles Fort's works. I believe in any instance it was collected the substance dissolved in seconds, which is sort of convenient.
This case was rather different. A Dr Amaral took samples of the "Angel hair" and looked at them under a microscope with the help of a local amature scientist. The material was made out of hundereds of cells, each one with ten tentacles. Apparently when they tried to sandwich the samples between two microscope slides the cells would raise their tentacles or arms as if to stop themselves from being crushed. If this is true then it is surely worthy of further investigation. problem is, the Evora case was in 1959. I just wonder what we might find if this was witnessed today.