Folks, this probably isn't a thread worthy of your attention. I started it to experiment with attachments and images. As you may know, I've been having problems attaching jpg's to posts. It used to be I could attach an image of pretty much any size and it wound up appearing within the post itself, but lately images wind up with an 'attachment number' and a link. When you click on the link the jpg appears--or not, as what happened with the Internet dog cartoon. Gene said it might have to do with the size of the pic. I don't think that's it, so I'm going to upload a few, paying special attention to size, type, and origin, to see if I can pin this down. I'm also going to use several different browsers on it to see if the differences can be found there.
First up: jpeg 44K size, 411 x 459, 96 dpi, bit depth 24, uploaded from laptop:

Now we see what happens when (or if) it posts.
Second up: 19.9K size, 220 x 246, 96 dpi, bit depth 24, uploaded from laptop:

Same pic drawn from a different site.
Edit: Works on IE8, Mozilla, Chrome. but edit does not show pics. Will they stay? Yup, but Chrome shows the actual code used, which is (left bracket) (ATTACH=CONFIG) (right bracket) (number of attachment) (left bracket) (/ATTACH) (right bracket) Hmm. Let's go see the bad one and see what it says.
First up: jpeg 44K size, 411 x 459, 96 dpi, bit depth 24, uploaded from laptop:

Now we see what happens when (or if) it posts.
Second up: 19.9K size, 220 x 246, 96 dpi, bit depth 24, uploaded from laptop:

Same pic drawn from a different site.
Edit: Works on IE8, Mozilla, Chrome. but edit does not show pics. Will they stay? Yup, but Chrome shows the actual code used, which is (left bracket) (ATTACH=CONFIG) (right bracket) (number of attachment) (left bracket) (/ATTACH) (right bracket) Hmm. Let's go see the bad one and see what it says.