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Farewell Roddy Piper

Free episodes:


J. Randall Murphy
Rowdy Roddy Piper - born Roderick George Toombs,
died from cardiac arrest in his sleep at age 61 in his Hollywood home back on July 31
but is immortalized in the cult classic film They Live

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I recommend this film to any one who has not seen it, it is in my top 10 all time films.
You will not see the world in the same way after watching it.

RIP Roderick George Toombs.

I think that film "the conversation" is also essential viewing.

*Francis ford Coppolla 1974
Rowdy Roddy was my favorite wrestler as a kid in the 80s because he was the funniest. I liked the way he would scream so hard that he would be spitting and his face would turn firetruck red.