Last year very early one morning, I had an urge to look out of my window, so I did, and in the tree at the bottom of my garden, there was a small green object that I could not focus on, I thought that is odd and blinked a few times to clear my eyes.
I still could not focus on this green thing, the best way I can try and describe it is to say:
It was about the size of a tennis ball, it appeared to be see through or translucent but green in colour, the closest creature I could think of would be a jelly fish, It was not emitting light but was a brighter shade of green than the rest of the tree.
it did not move independently of the tree.
I had been looking for a while now and could not get my head around why I could not get it into focus.
I then decided to go in to the garden and have a closer look, at first I could not see it, but eventually I saw it, or rather what it was. It was a piece of green netting(mesh), probably from a vegetable or fruit net/mesh bag. I wondered how it had got there and that I should try and remove it so one of the animals that use the tree got caught up in it.
But first I went back up to my room to have another look from my original vantage point, and to my suprise I could now clearly see what it was, as in I could see that it was a piece of mesh/netting and I could discern its edges.
I assure you that until I went into the garden to investigate a Faerie was on my list for possible explanations, and I was not a little disappointed that it was just a bit of bag.
I was astonished by the difference in its appearance before and after I knew what it was.
I guess that is how magic works sometimes, but I still find the whole concept of mirages and optical illusions fascinating. And I know now from personal experience how powerful and convincing they can be to the experiencer.
As for the pictures from
Faerie Sighting! | Messages from the Faeries
I think that the "faeries" are actually the result of taking photos with the sun in the shot.
Or maybe there is a reflective surface in the canopy of the trees.
I don't think faeries are "real" so I don't think you can take a picture of one. I do however think they are nice and kind, and as far as I am aware have never hurt anyone, so good luck to them!