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Fate Magazine Anyone Have Old Issues?

Free episodes:

The Darkroom

Skilled Investigator
Fate magazine certainly introduced the idea of the UFO as The Flying Disks [strangely depicted looking just like a modern DVD/CD disk on the magazine's cover] with its first edition in 1948 with an article by Kenneth Arnold about his famous 1947 sighting that got national newspaper and radio coverage. That's quite a different "look" than what Arnold described and had drawn initially, but it is a perfect match and look for the modern gold colored DVD/CD. :)

If someone has old copies of Fate from the 1940's and 1950's it would certainly be interesting to read some of the UFO articles that were published during those years.

Can anyone help us out?

Back issue paper copies can be ordered for $25 each from those years, but there's no way to read in digital format. Individual UFO articles are not available, but it would be nice if someone could share these if someone has the back issues. A digital photo would be good enough to read if a scanner is not available.

Specifically, does anyone have the May 1956 issue of Fate magazine? The front cover reads Texas Saucer Contact...