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FATE Magazine Print is Back

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Paranormal Adept
I was tuning into another podcast and the owner of FATE was on discussing the return of the printed version of FATE Phillis Galde. Apparently FATE is going to begin a PRINT Magazine again. IF any of you are friends with Phillis you might want to give them a call.
This brings back nostalgic memories of reading the FATE magazines lying around my grandparents' house back in the 1960s. I didn't believe much of what was in them but they were always entertaining, and they did spark an interest in the paranormal (albeit a skeptical one) which I still have. Good that subsequent generations may get the same opportunity.
I remember reading an issue of Fate magazine in the late 80's, early 90's that had an article on strange structures visible on the moon. The author of the article had sketches of arches across the Aristarchus crater big enough to not only be seen through a telescope, but you could see the shadows of them, and another crater I can't think of now, but it really sparked my imagination and I spent many hours looking through my 3 inch refractor at the moon hoping to see something but never did. Still it was fun and thought provoking.