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Fear Is Eroding American Rights

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June 09, 2009
Fear Is Eroding American Rights

By Paul Craig Roberts

The power of irrational fear in the US is extraordinary. It ranks up there with the Israel Lobby, the military/security complex, and the financial gangsters. Indeed, fear might be the most powerful force in America.
Americans are at ease with their country’s aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, which has resulted in a million dead Muslim civilians and several million refugees, because the US government has filled Americans with fear of terrorists. "We have to kill them over there before they come over here."

Fearful of American citizens, the US government is building concentration camps apparently all over the country. According to news reports, a $385 million US government contract was given by the Bush/Cheney Regime to Cheney’s company, Halliburton, to build "detention centers" in the US. The corporate media never explained for whom the detention centers are intended.

Most Americans dismiss such reports. "It can’t happen here." However, in north-eastern Florida not far from Tallahassee, I have seen what might be one of these camps. There is a building inside a huge open area fenced with razor wire. There is no one there and no signs. The facility appears new and unused and does not look like an abandoned prisoner work camp.
What is it for?

Who spent all that money for what?

There are Americans who are so terrified of their lives being taken by terrorists that they are hoping the US government will use nuclear weapons to destroy "the Muslim enemy." The justifications concocted for the use of nuclear bombs against Japanese civilian populations have had their effect. There are millions of Americans who wish "their" government would kill everyone that "their" government has demonized.
When I tell these people that they will die of old age without ever seeing a terrorist, they think I am insane. Don’t I know that terrorists are everywhere in America? That’s why we have airport security and homeland security. That’s why the government is justified in breaking the law to spy on citizens without warrants. That’s why the government is justified to torture people in violation of US law and the Geneva Conventions. If we don’t torture them, American cities will go up in mushroom clouds. Dick Cheney tells us this every week.

Terrorists are everywhere. "They hate us for our freedom and democracy." When I tell America’s alarmed citizens that the US has as many stolen elections as any country and that our civil liberties have been eroded by "the war on terror" they lump me into the terrorist category. They automatically conflate factual truth with anti-Americanism.
The same mentality prevails with regard to domestic crime. Most Americans, including, unfortunately, juries, assume that if the police make a case against a person and a prosecutor prosecutes it, the defendant is guilty. Most Americans are incapable of believing that police or a prosecutor would frame an innocent person for career or bureaucratic reasons or out of pure meanness.

Yet, it happens all the time. Indeed, it is routine.

Frame-ups are so routine that 96% of the criminally accused will not risk a "jury of their peers," preferring to negotiate a plea bargain agreement with the prosecutor. The jury of their peers are a brainwashed lot, fearful of crime, which they have never experienced but hear about all the time. Criminals are everywhere, doing their evil deeds.

The US has a much higher percentage of its population in prison than "authoritarian" countries, such as China, a one-party state. An intelligent population might wonder how a "freedom and democracy" country could have incarceration rates far higher than a dictatorship, but Americans fail this test. The more people that are put in prison, the safer Americans feel.

Lawrence Stratton and I describe frame-up techniques in The Tyranny of Good Intentions. Police and prosecutors even frame the guilty, as it is easier than convicting them on the evidence.
One case that has been before us for years, but is resolutely neglected by the corporate media, whose function is to scare the people, is that of Troy Davis.

Troy Davis was convicted of killing a police officer. The only evidence connecting him to the crime is the testimony of "witnesses," the vast majority of whom have withdrawn their testimony. The witnesses say they testified falsely against Troy Davis because of police intimidation and coercion.

One would think that this would lead to a new hearing and trial. But not in America. The Republican judicial Nazis have created the concept of "finality." Even if the evidence shows that a wrongfully convicted person is innocent, finality requires that we execute him. If the convicted person is executed, we can assume he was guilty, because America has a pure justice system and never punishes the innocent. Everyone in prison and everyone executed is guilty. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be in prison or executed.

It is all very simple if you are an American. America is pure, but other countries, except for our allies, are barbaric.
The same goes for our wars. Everyone we kill, whether they are passengers on Serbian commuter trains or attending weddings, funerals, or children playing soccer in Iraq, is a terrorist, or we would not have killed them. So was the little girl who was raped by our terrorist-fighting troops and then murdered, brutally, along with her family.
America only kills terrorists. If we kill you, you are a terrorist.
Americans are the salt of the earth. They never do any wrong. Only those other people do. Not the Israelis, of course.

And police, prosecutors, and juries never make mistakes. Everyone accused is guilty.

Fear has made every American a suspect, eroded our rights, and compromised our humanity.
Cant say I'm glad you posted this cottonzway,

Having said that I had a conversation only yesterday with a friend about America and the UK, and the present situation and consequent "vibe" for want of a better word.
A little later I looked this painting up and thought it perhaps prescient.


I have since posting found this link doesn't work at least for me, so try this instead and click on the image viewer link there.


I have read that Salvador Dali had a premonition of the Spanish civil war and that this work was the result.
I cant comment on America, though I do get some insights from my brother who lives in California, also what I hear and read here.
From my point of view and experience in the UK, tensions, resentment, racism (always thinly disguised and irrational fear) IMO are on the increase and I am becoming increasingly concerned. Things could get ugly here, again just my opinion but I must admit I would be far more worried if I lived in a society where gun ownership is allowed.

God bless America and all that, and I do respect your rights to bare arms. I just wish that right didn't extend to ammunition. I hope what that painting depicts, is not a premonition of what your great country could do to itself.


While I agree with the title of that essay, I disagree with some of his points.

There are Americans who are so terrified of their lives being taken by terrorists that they are hoping the US government will use nuclear weapons to destroy "the Muslim enemy."

Who are these people? I talk to alot of people every day, I've never heard them mention nukes, not even in passing. Most of the people I know and discourse with, are quite aware of the ramifications of nuclear detonation and do not wish that upon this planet.

they will die of old age without ever seeing a terrorist, they think I am insane. Don’t I know that terrorists are everywhere in America? That’s why we have airport security and homeland security. That’s why the government is justified in breaking the law to spy on citizens without warrants. That’s why the government is justified to torture people in violation of US law and the Geneva Conventions. If we don’t torture them, American cities will go up in mushroom clouds. Dick Cheney tells us this every week.

Agreed. Cheney and Bush did a number on this country. That's why we have signs on highways that say "Report Suspicious Activity." (link is to an essay I wrote in 2004.) And while I bought that load of goods before I did some critical thinking, my own views have changed. The problem is, critical thinking is not taught in our schools anymore. In fact, it's frowned upon.

Torture, I knew, was going to be a problem when I saw congressmen discussing it on 60 Minutes. Torture disgusts me. How it can be discussed legitimately within the halls of the Capitol is beyond my understanding of The Constitution, basic humanity and modernism. That these individuals can claim Christianity and discuss torture in almost the same breath literally makes me ill. To go further into media acceptance of this act, one only has to look to "Batman, the Black Knight" and witness Batman (a hero?) beating and smashing The Joker, who is in police custody. I left that movie disgusted because of that particular scene.

The same mentality prevails with regard to domestic crime. Most Americans, including, unfortunately, juries, assume that if the police make a case against a person and a prosecutor prosecutes it, the defendant is guilty. Most Americans are incapable of believing that police or a prosecutor would frame an innocent person for career or bureaucratic reasons or out of pure meanness.

Fear also has it's place in our courtrooms and in our television shows. Fear sells, and it appears that our juries are buying.

One would think that this would lead to a new hearing and trial. But not in America. The Republican judicial Nazis have created the concept of "finality."

It's not just Republicans. There's more to the causality than just just one side of the political coin. Anymore, it's hard to point the finger of blame at one party or another, both have allowed the erosion of The Constitution. A "fear culture" was allowed to be created. It has been proliferated by news media, television shows, films and much more. To go further, it was voted into law while the commonweal was busy watching reality shows on TV.
I could just as easily state the opposite argument.

The islamic world is bit like the amish -- albeit a more militant version. Their culture and values are self-evidently anachronistic when exposed to the outside world. Thus, their fear of modernity -- (and) all the subsequent loss of power to their ruling elite -- drive them to extreme acts to set up a "fear" barrier to not only scare away the bogeyman (the West) but frighten their own enslaved masses into continued compliance.

We're dealing with areas of the world that have undergone very little change since ancient times. Anyway, if we didn't buy their oil they would starve to death. Their system is largely dysfunctional.

Does that mean that everything the West has done has been appropriate or necessary? I think I agree with Ted Turner on that point. We've undertaken a challenge that is beyond our capacity. We are underestimating what can be done in practical terms. God can't even do what we're proposing.

Our sin was not fear. Our sin was egomania.
Apathy is destroying the U.S, not fear. Genuinely frightened people will usually make at least some attempt to defend themselves, while the reaction by most Americans to our government blatantly destroying the rule of law as it heads full steam into becoming a fascist police state is to do nothing.
The gentleman who wrote this, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, is a man who has the background to back up his claims. He is a brilliant man. He was a the assistant to the US Treasury Department under Ronald Reagan and the former Chief Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has a rather impressive educational and professional background.

Dr. Roberts could have EASILY taken the route in life that would have made him an even more wealthy man. He could have been a “yes man” and flourished under our previous administration based on his background . He didn’t do it though. Because he is a good man and has what I would call a “soul” (if you are religious take it in that manner, if not take it as he is not for sale) when he could have easily taken the easy road.

Check out his articles that I will post more frequently here. I think people can learn a great deal from him.