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February 15, 2015 — Alejandro Rojas

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IMO, The Paracast has been on a hot streak lately! I really enjoyed this episode with Alejandro. He is a level-headed and serious participant in the UFO field. You should have him on the show on a regular basis. I've never spent much time over at Open Minds but perhaps that will change following this week's episode.

One thing I was surprised that wasn't brought up, at least in passing, was the incredibly awful TV series, Uncovering Aliens, that his Open Minds co-hort, Maureen Elsbury, is a cast member on (along with the ridiculous Derrel Sims). It does a real disservice to the community, even more so than Hangar One, in my opinion. I get it, sometimes you just gotta get paid but it is (was) a truly embarrassingly awful show.

To end on a more positive note, it was nice to see my Paracast + episode just sitting there waiting for me, as opposed to manually downloading it, adding it to my iTunes and then editing the metadata, so thanks again Gene for getting the RSS feed up and running!
You're very welcome. This RSS feed was real difficult, and our web developer is one extremely talented person for pulling it off. The tools we use for Paracast+ were not designed with this need in mind, although it makes it relatively easy to actually post episodes.

As to the TV show, I really don't watch any of them. I'm not a fan of reality TV, period. But if the subject comes up again, we'll ask.
Chris mentioned Michael Cohen at the beginning of the episode! Is that the allnewsweb guy? His channel ranks even below thirdphaseofmoon in terms of ufo goofiness. Thanks for the giggle Chris.
Can I be honest? For years I never paid any attention to OPEN MINDS because I (shallow as I may be) could not stand Alejandro Rojas's voice! His voice didn't have the rich deep base that I subconsciously connect to serious intent and adulthood. The voice alone turned me off, thinking that he sounded like a teenage ufo host wanna be.

This episode proved to me that I was totally wrong about Alejandro Rojas. The man knows his business, and has a clever and even witty intellect. I done him wrong! LOL

Thanks to this episode I will be checking out OPEN MINDS.
The show was intresting and the growing exploration of space seems to be generating much demand. Also some folks would like to explore space in private adventures and reminds you of the old explores who's funders (religous backers !) suggested no folks inhabited the new lands. Furthermore, when folks keep banging we are alone in the universe folks begin to belive it.
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Can I be honest? For years I never paid any attention to OPEN MINDS because I (shallow as I may be) could not stand Alejandro Rojas's voice! His voice didn't have the rich deep base that I subconsciously connect to serious intent and adulthood. The voice alone turned me off, thinking that he sounded like a teenage ufo host wanna be.

This episode proved to me that I was totally wrong about Alejandro Rojas. The man knows his business, and has a clever and even witty intellect. I done him wrong! LOL

Thanks to this episode I will be checking out OPEN MINDS.

I too had a tough time withe Alejandro's voice when I first heard him on the radio! That said his appearance on the Paracast was one of the better episodes I've listened too of late. Great show Gene & Chris & please bring Alejandro back in the future. He really knows his stuff and seems to have a well rounded understanding of this "UFO" community. I wanted to ask him why the print issues of the Open Mind magazine are no longer being printed? I miss getting my issue every couple of months!
I enjoyed the show and the guy has a sense of humour to boot. Get him back on in the future. Truth be told I'm not a big fan of these listener shows that are popping up and being talked about on the forums.