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Film: The Martian

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Seriously? No one has seen this film? It's a lot of fun, I think. Except for the initial storm which was done for cinematic reasons, the rest of it is suppose to be all science fact. :)
You'd think everyone on a site like this would be beating a path to see it. I particularly like that it didn't have a lot of 'human relationship' stuff to gum up the works. Just enough, but not too much. Science Fiction films should do what they do well and not try to be 'great literature' too. JMO. :cool:
Tell you what - Matt Damon just isn't a draw to me. I've loved many movies he's been in but he's never the reason I watch. Mind you, I rarely go to the cinema these days and just watch movies at home.
Absolutely no way I'm doing that in December though, when the new Star Wars comes out! I could only watch that in a movie theatre! May the popcorn be with you!
I want to see this a lot. I share some members reservations about the actor, but the story sounds top notch.

If there are Paracasters in the Denver, CO area lets get together in a meetup and go see this thing!