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Finally ! A worthy use for 3D

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That makes a lot more sense than what R. Dolan was talking about on M.U. recently where he suggested that aliens were using 3-D printers to print artificial life form drones to interact with us. Can't wait for them to be able to print new livers...
That makes a lot more sense than what R. Dolan was talking about on M.U. recently where he suggested that aliens were using 3-D printers to print artificial life form drones to interact with us. Can't wait for them to be able to print new livers...

Its not beyond the realms of possibility

Biofabrication is a process by which scientists can regrow most types of human tissue using 3D printers. QUT's biofabrication research is well-advanced in printing 3D custom-made scaffolds using bio-ink infused with the patient's stem cells to enable the body to grow a new breast after mastectomy.

"Biofabrication can be used to repair cartilage, bone, muscles, nerves and skin that have been damaged by trauma, disease or cancer. It is even predicted that entire organs will be biofabricated within a few decades.

QUT - News