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Finally after eternity, God wins Nobel Prize

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FeralNormal master
So we can all question the existence of God all we want, BUT he now has a Nobel prize. How many of us can say that ?
Are you referring to this: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/329970/scitech/science/god-particle-physicists-win-nobel-prize

This is really surprising because last time I checked, they still weren't sure that the so-called God Particle had actually been discovered. Rather, "findings confirm that they’ve found a particle that behaves like a Higgs boson, but they don’t know if it’s the Standard Model Higgs boson (as proposed by Peter Higgs ), or a different kind of Higgs boson as predicted by another model. Article here: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/150750-cern-we-have-found-a-higgs-boson-but-not-necessarily-the-higgs-boson

Also let's be clear here. The problem they claim to have solved is an infinitely recursive problem, and therefore cannot be solved. Therefore any claim to solving it ( based on the approach they're using ) must be false, and therefore, although this Nobel Prize may be worthy for what progress they have made in exploring extremely small and brief manifestations of matter and energy under certain conditions, it cannot rightfully be for having solved the question of what imparts any of the fundamental forces of nature onto any of it. What's more, these scientists must be smart enough to know that these problems cannot be solved by this methodology.

So what's the real quest for the God Particle all about then? Well, first of all, an infinitely recursive problem is very convenient if you want infinitely recursive funding. And secondly, if they can point to some particle and say, "That's what does it." then they can remove mysterious forces from the equation, and along with them the suggestions that such forces are magically imparted by some outside source ( such as God ). As we all know, science and God don't mix very well, so this is as much an ideological quest as it is a scientific one.
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Most people do not know that it was never called the "God" particle. It is a contraction of a book/paper entitled 'The GodDamn Particle". Based on the frustration on finding it. As with most things main stream media dumbs everything down and adds a dash of religious fantasy. There is nothing infinitely recursive or spiritually about any of this. Quarks and leptons are not recursive, why should the Boson? It is just the link between matter and energy. This particle is what and how MASS (M) exists. Science has advanced to the point to be able to view and measure on the subatomic scale. That in itself is amazing.

Now the big question about how after universal expansion started (aka Big Bang) some of those short and long lived particles transformed into what we call MASS generating particles is solved. Or at least gone from supposition->hypothesis->Theory->Observational Fact. It will and should take many more experiments to verify without a doubt that the Higgs Boson is what they claim it is. No reason to bring mysticism or idealism, either it is or it is not; there is no maybe. It is absolutely a solvable question. The blank gaps in our knowledge that God is relegated to is getting smaller and smaller on a daily basis. It is not an asymptote , sooner or later the Judaic / Christian God will just be distant memory. God will be relegated to the ranks of Zeus, Mithra, and Scooby-Doo. Peace.
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