This is a topic I do tend to avoid getting involved in now days but with
a degree in philosophy and religion on top of my
engineering it can be hard to stay out of it.
... I am an atheist.
Really some days
I wounder if humanity has the collective brains and will to make it past the next 50 years.
Ah yes ... if we could all just be as smart as you are ... and I think I actually feel smarter after watching that scholarly video!
You should email the link to your philosophy and religion professors. It might be really helpful in teaching their first year students.
And WOW, that's one hell of a
reality tunnel you and Mr. FSA have constructed!!!!
You've sold me! Thanks for making it so easy to put
"religion" into
a box small enough for me to slap a label on it, put it on the shelf, and instantly raise my IQ!!!
And thanks especially for helping me by boiling the religion of my upbringing down into the
two things it has really been all about for the past 2,000 years: the
worst aspects of a military campaign that happened about
7 centuries ago, and
barrier contraception [
spoken with a refined British accent]. Well ...
that's easy!!!!!!
Mr. FSA said,
Hitler and Stalin are mere "trivialities". So, let's all have deep, profound, grownup thoughts, then.
Are you brave enough to gaze upon the face of the true
nontrivial enemy, the visage of
pure religious evil as it so cleverly uses
homeless shelters,
clean beds,
warm food, lots of
phony smiles and
hugs and
kisses, and
kind and caring words to fool people into giving up their
"barrier contraception" [
again, the accent], leaving in its wake
disease, poverty, and death!!!!!
Yes indeed ... how
will we make it past the next 50 years? Just
LOOK at what
religion and
belief in a God makes people do!!!
Outrageous!!!! We'd better
do something about these crazy people before it's too late!!!!
I'VE GOT IT!!!! Let's just take one corner of the world to get a start in, then we'll branch out from there ...
YOU should go to Calcutta and tend to society's throwaways the
RIGHT way!
The atheist way!!!! And maybe we'd better send Christopher Hitchens to help you out, at least until you get settled in--after he's done sleeping it off, that is. He'll need a clear head, because it looks like a pretty big job. (See, I
told you I felt smarter

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[And before you jump on me, remember, the Skunkape started this. It's HIS fault!]