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Floating ‘Interdimensional City’ Witnessed by Hundreds of Villagers in Africa

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Paranormal Novice

“There appeared a wide, large mass of something that looked like a cloud from nowhere and it was flying slowly over the village just at the height of an average tree.

“The cloud was transparent and I saw beautiful tall buildings inside it, with tarred roads and cars. It was like a flying city. And from it I could hear the sound of machines making noise just as you would hear at Ashaka cement factory.”

Floating 'Interdimensional City' Witnessed by Hundreds of Villagers in Africa
Mirage.....though one would assume they'd recognize a mirage as a mirage.

In itself, an oddish article as no real details are given: time, date, etc. Sounds like gossip more than anything real.
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cant u see the date on top middle of the special report. it says thursday april 19th 2012.
I dont know if it is true but in ufology truth is hard to come by so if we have to dig through roumars and disinformation
and hope for one day we get discloure.
cant u see the date on top middle of the special report. it says thursday april 19th 2012.

I dont know if it is true but in ufology truth is hard to come by so if we have to dig through roumars and disinformation
and hope for one day we get discloure.

That is posted on a picture, yes - but within the article there are no relevant placement details. The whole thing looks a bit bogus.
I found the article quite interesting in that It actually touched on the aspect of the details of an ufo sighting mirroring the society that it took place in. It does sound like a simple mirage and the few details given on its appearance doesn't really describe anything out of the norm. I would think that in this era the first thing that would come to people's minds is mirage, even in a small back water village. Having never before witnessed a mirage I wonder if there is anything to be made of the reported brilliant light. Do mirages shine? I don't think they float at tree top level. Whatever the sighting was i think it was a humdinger. Thanks for posting it.

This account sounds like it could have been torn from the pages of an 1880s era newspaper. Being that the article did go down the ufo ( unidentified floating object?) road. it's nice to know that there are some places in this world that aren't beholden to the bug eyed grey aliens and/or spherical shaped flying craft.
Interesting. I noticed in the article one villager claims the "city" floated past on a 2nd occasion.
Regarding small villages like this, it is not unheard of when a student furthers their education to became a professional, say doctor, etc- the village is financially "taken care of" by the former student. One villager did make a comment following the sighting, that they may expect something great from a villager to go on and discover something that could benefit humanity. Ah, who knows.
There are a number of historical sightings like this, most often taking place at sea, where people appear to be seeing a whole other city floating in the sky or in a cloud bank with people walking about, having picnics etc.. Some theories suspect strange inversion layers were literally reflecting back actual cities at great distances - some even could recognize which European city was floating in the sky. On other occasions the city seen made no real sense at all where transporattion appeared to be 100 years old - horse and buggy, yet strange modern advertising was seen on buildings. Jerome Clark has detailed a number of these recordered events in his strange phenomenon/unexplained sightings texts. Much like this case a great number of people share in the sighting - it is truly bizarre stuff.

Here are some of the classic sightings though not very rich in detail: Cities in the Sky
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