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For skywatchers . . .

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Paranormal Adept
This is an interesting current thread at ATS concerning dozens of recent observations of two or more flashes of apparent star-like phenomena, seen from widespread geographical locations, and mostly associated with the Persiod meteor showers ending tonight. A number of possible prosaic explanations are discussed, but none quite fit what's being described.

Very curious indeed. I'd never heard of this event before. I wonder if there are any contemporary descriptions in writing by people who observed this shower.
Here are several:

""On the night of November 12-13, 1833, a tempest of falling stars broke over the Earth... The sky was scored in every direction with shining tracks and illuminated with majestic fireballs. At Boston, the frequency of meteors was estimated to be about half that of flakes of snow in an average snowstorm. Their numbers... were quite beyond counting; but as it waned, a reckoning was attempted, from which it was computed, on the basis of that much-diminished rate, that 240,000 must have been visible during the nine hours they continued to fall." - Agnes Clerkes, Victorian Astronomy Writer

"John Sharp reports on a contemporary account from the diary of Michael Shiner, Nov. 12 1833: '
The Meteors fell from the elements the 12 of November 1833 on Thursday in Washington. It frightened the people half to death.'"

Leonid MAC - History of the Leonid shower

Another exceptional storm of Leonids in 1966 inspired all this:


Photographs from the 1966 event follow at this link:

Leonid MAC - Accounts from the 1966 Leonid storm.
