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Four things we need to know about science - Brian Cox

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Make your own mind up and read between the lines of political dogma in our society from historical events and history is written by those who hold the power and biggest stick. Keep a open mind which can exist along a educated one.
How do you prove the Big Bang happened? I'm not trying to be "unscientific" I just don't get how you can state something truly happened without witnessing it.
How do you prove the Big Bang happened? I'm not trying to be "unscientific" I just don't get how you can state something truly happened without witnessing it.

For me it is like this: There is a lot of stuff I will never fully understand, so I have to put my trust in those better informed than me.
I believe in the big bang because that is the theory that seems to stand up against scientific questioning.

The reason that I posted this article was not about the big bang, it was because Mr Cox kept repeating that we as humans have a common ancestor, and that is something that I passionately believe in both logically and spiritually.

I am also aware that the Big Bang theory and Evolution will never get rid of "God/s" and that is fine by me, it is part of the beauty of living in a free society, we can have our cake and eat it! (if we choose).

I for one definitely have a lot of very unscientific beliefs, but I also believe that one day they will be scientifically proven.
Thanks Burnt State. That helps.

Sorry Han. the reason I asked the question is because I've heard a number of people "declare" that the Big Bang theory is proven but when I ask how it was proven they are surprisingly silent. I definitely think people should be up on science. Science whether proven or unproven presents you with ideas that should be expanding your view of the world.
How do you prove the Big Bang happened? I'm not trying to be "unscientific" I just don't get how you can state something truly happened without witnessing it.

It's my opinion that the scientific method aims more at achieving "best evidence" than "proof". In a sense, there is no realization of proof in any discipline but mathematics. And perhaps, not even there.

Consider that no proof arrived at in science is a complete or final answer. But rather is a statement of level of confidence in a given theory or theories based on either logical congruence of evidence gathered, as in paleontology where confirmation of theory by experiment is not possible, or theory validated to a certain level of confidence by experimental verification. Arrival at and agreement that a given paradigm qualifies as best evidence will, if scientifically regarded, lead to further hypotheses which may likewise be evaluated and tested, and so on.

We will never "see" the binding force that holds the nucleus of an atom together. But the concept of this force becomes quite real in the occurrence of nuclear fission.
Thanks Burnt State. That helps.

Sorry Han. the reason I asked the question is because I've heard a number of people "declare" that the Big Bang theory is proven but when I ask how it was proven they are surprisingly silent. I definitely think people should be up on science. Science whether proven or unproven presents you with ideas that should be expanding your view of the world.

No need to apologise, I am a big supporter of questioning everything!