KorMan said:
Speaking of suppression of clean technologies etc. Anyone seen "Who killed the Electric Car?" Yet? I been wanting to, but figured it would make me mad, and I need little help with that.
It died of disinterest. If no one wants to buy the damn things, they won't sell. It's the free market in action.
There is no free market, get used to it. The Corporatocracy killed the electric car, back in 19-ought whatever, when cheap oil was discovered and the lead trust killed the Edison nickel-iron battery and then didn't keep up with the oil trust.
Nuclear energy is the cleanest, safest, most reliable form of base-load power generation available with existing technology. With breeder reactors, we have enough nuclear fuel available now to power the US for several hundred years.
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! That's a good one! LOL
Tell it to the people in Japan, who built their 'safe' reactor on an island on the Ring of Fire. You can't go very wrong with wind, solar, or manual labor. You CAN go VERY wrong with nuclear power. In the long term, anything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong, and any engineer who thinks he can build something completely foolproof has never met a complete fool.
Here's the answer from a couple of the guiding darks of the "small is beautiful" cult:
I'ts not a cult, it's the future, whether we want to believe it or not. The meek shall inherit what's left after the geeks get done poisoning it for stock options.
"It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we might do with it. We ought to be looking for energy sources that don't give us the excesses of concentrated energy with which we could do mischief to each other."
-- Amory Lovins, Mother Earth News, 11-12/77
"In fact, giving society cheap abundant energy at this point would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun."
-- Paul Erlich, Not Man Apart (Friends of The Earth), Vol 5, No. 18, Sept 1975
Thirty-plus years later, the same mindset drives the ecowackos. They don't want clean, safe, abundant energy. They want chronic energy shortages, with them dictating who gets what. IOW, they like political and economic power.
Forget the highly-touted "alternatives". They are valuable as small point-of-use sources, but they cannot meet the base-load capacity needs of a rapidly growing economy powered by reliable electricity.
Um. What EXACTLY do you think people should be FOR? Do you have any idea what to teach our children about life when the only 'value' they see is Consumption? Do you know the difference between a Humvee and a loaf of bread? (If not, then don't let your wife send you to the store.)
Small, point of use sources are all that human beings actually NEED. Stop watching the current consumption listings and looook Arouuunnnnd at the local county fairgrounds. What do you see that people actually NEED to do? Centralized power, gridlock, highways, personal automobiles, most appliances, security systems, gasoline, shopping malls, etc, are mostly there for people to make money and buy clothes so they can go to work to make money to buy clothes and cars to go to work. Very little of our consumption is necesary to the long term accomplishments of the human beings we SAY we care so much about, but really, your Corporatic 'Leaders' (take me to your Lizard) only want them to work and pay.
As for zero-point energy and cold fusion, they belong in conspiracy forums. They're crackpot notions that are laughed at by real scientists because they are laughable.
Would these be the 'real' scientists who say that Flouride is good for your teeth because there was a reduction in cavities at Oak Ridge, Tennessee (the employees lost all their teeth)? The 'real' scientists who think that spraying anti-growth chemicals on our crops is good for our health because it makes the chemical companies more profitable and eliminates the 'drudgery' of farm labor? The 'real' scientists who tell you that cows should be fed the waste products from breweries instead of eating grass? The 'real' scientists who insist that the majority is always right? The 'real' scientists who said you could keep driving on a bridge that is "structurally deficient" if you inspect it every so often instead of fixing it? Here's a clue: those aren't scientists, those are accountants in white coats.
And re "suppression", the logical approach would be to call a press conference in an open, neutral location and demonstrate working systems. Claiming, "This idea works, but Big Business won't allow it to be used!" is utter nonsense that covers up the BS Factor.
Yeah. you're right, I'm sorry. There are plenty of honest newspapers that would put it on the front page when someone discovers how to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water with very little power (Stanley Meyer is dead, by the way). If they do print it, they'll print it right next to the Hummer ads, buried in the Sports/world section, where people only read the scores and the strip-joint advertisements.