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Freeman Fly as a Guest

Free episodes:

Charlie Prime

Paranormal Adept
I nominate Freeman Fly as a potential Paracast guest.

Freeman is a hippie in his late 40's. His basic thesis is that popular media contains all manner of occult ritual and esoteric symbology, inserted for the purpose turning people into mindless consumers.

I've corresponded with him because he used to frequent the same alternative book store in Austin, TX that I did. He is a super nice guy, not offensive, not dogmatic, with years of interview experience.

FreemanTV.com - Freeman TV

He earns his scratch selling books, videos, and from listener donations.

Freeman is a nice guy. I have watched or listened to a lot of his stuff, maybe all of it. He can be pretty entertaining.

I have a problem with his work in that while he gives the appearance about being all about the research, he incorporates known hoaxes and misinformation into his presentations. This is particularly true in his latest "Aliens from Hell" thing. It makes for something more akin to paranoid counter-culture performance art rather than something than could be taken seriously.
That is true. Freeman does tend toward the "conspiri-tainment" ghetto area of alternative media.

I admit, serious conspiracy researchers don't respect his work. I chafe sometimes at his simplistic depictions of Kabaallah and Luciferianism, because I know he knows better. Christians seem to make up a significant portion of his fan base, so I understand that he must somewhat abide their desires.

That being said, sometimes he comes up with really interesting Space Alien stuff and synchronistic connections that make you say "Whoa!". I like him for those occasional gems.