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Full version of latest 'Jerusalem UFO' video released

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Skilled Investigator
Here is the full version of that mysterious last video (6th?) purportedly showing the 'Jerusalem UFO' up close. This was supposedly given to Eligael (one of the videographers of the original videos), who refuses to vouch for its authenticity.

[video]www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uvw8qqZUw8[/video]I don't have much to say in favor of this video; it does look very strange to me and the lighting does not appear correct. It seems to make a lot of viewers yell "CGI!", and evokes those suspicions in me too. I note the camera should be changing its exposure during the video as the UFO's light beam pans, or else be blinded/clipping due to such a bright light source that the UFO is supposed to be. Furthermore, the sound is strange also for an outdoor environment.
According to a CBS News article "Marc Dantonio of MUFON stated “I firmly believe that the UFO was not real“". Though I note there is no stated author of this CBS article (http://ufobriefcase.net/2011/03/29/mufon-dismisses-jerusalem-ufo-as-a-hoax/) and it suspiciously reads like a Ben Radford piece. The usual straw-man argument is applied, arguing that if this video is fake then it's all one big conspiracy/hoax and the Jerusalem UFO never happened. Hmm...that argument seems to be being used pretty often and consistently in this case.
I'm not a MUFON fan but I totally agree with the analysis. That video is by far the worst fake of all 6 videos. The lens flair and poor camera work are poor attempts to conceal the Cgi.
For me the biggest red flag is the shout just as it takes off, we get this shout in all the video's.......
I would not expect every witness to give a shout at the flash/takeoff point. Peoples reactions should be different imo.

The camera man is also talking to another person, and asks if they saw it, were it me, i'd be shouting at the top of my lungs if i thought there was someone else there who was missing it

Also the angle and movement of the craft in this one, doesnt seem to match the degree of movement in the original vid

having said that, its interesting at least to note that the barbury castle crop circle formation is seen on the underside of the alleged craft


This formation was used to allegedly create an anti grav device

It should be noted Chris Hardeman has dropped off the map since this was published

Technical information. A group of scientists in Britain decoded mathematics from one glyph which led to designs for an anti-gravity device. Plans to build this are still at funding stage, as far as I have been made aware. The same situation exists in America, where Chris Hardemann has built a replica of the 1991 Barbury Castle tetrahedron in his garage in Oklahoma, and found it to levitate (he has since gone very quiet on the matter). In Australia, a group of scientists has built another anti-gravity device based on blueprints from crop circles, and I am reliably informed that they will soon go public with this information

This is the full version of the clip

And its been suggested that the monk is none other than eligael himself, the whole dropped keyring bit does suggest a movie/book plot......all very strange
One might expect the monk to have heard the sound of his keys drop, but he's got his hood up, that can explain his not noticing the sound, but the cameraman should logically be shouting to him "hey you dropped your keys" but doesnt....thats not typical